Cave Baiting Suggestion: Ability to Re-roll Bait Item

in Site Feedback & Ideas

If bait re-rolls were added, what amount of time between each re-roll seems most fair? Or, would you prefer a different bait re-roll alternative? (Multiple answers allowed.)

760 posts


okami • 9 January 2024 at 2:17 PM

Hello~ I just had a suggestion in regards to the cave baiting feature.

I don't use the baiting feature too often because my luck is usually awful when it comes to the cave, but on the few days that I have wanted to try baiting I've often been stuck due to the bait item not being accessible to me (don't have it in my strongroom, not in the NPC shops all day, not available for a reasonable price in a user shop, or it is extremely high in price at the NPC shops). I think it would make the feature much more enjoyable if users had the ability to re-roll which item is being asked for when baiting.

I wanted to propose the suggestion of giving users the ability to re-roll the bait item, possibly every hour or half-hour so that it isn't something that could be taken advantage of? I added a poll with timing options to see which amount of time seems fair to most users to have between re-roll attempts if it were to be implemented.

I also added a couple of options that could be alternatives to the re-rolls being based on time. The alternatives I have right now include having a set number of re-rolls given per day, or paying a set amount of ec for a re-roll attempt. If you have another idea though, please comment and discuss! 😊

1,133 posts


hikanu • 9 January 2024 at 2:57 PM

As someone who was looking for a specific book for a good 17 hours yesterday (RIP my sleep cycle), because I wanted to bait Sunniflats, I completely agree.

Finally managed to get it 1ÂŊ hours before midnight egg cave time and managed a measly 6 rounds of bait as I managed to find the items I needed afterwards. But more than 50 cave attempts yesterday were without bait because I was stuck looking for 1 singular item out of nearly 7000.

I have voted for a set amount of times every day or in 1 hour intervals like the cooldown with the quests when you cancel. It seems fair enough to limit it so you don't go reroll all willy-nilly because the item is not in your strongroom, because that wouldn't encourage searching other shops or interacting on the forums. But using the bait function is pretty difficult when you get blocked by an item RNGesus won't give you.

760 posts


okami • 13 January 2024 at 12:31 PM

So baiting day today for Chipmints, yay, right...? Nope xP I was able to bait 4 times (no chipmints any of those times) before being asked for an item that is around 10k in the NPC shops, not commonly stocked, and is only available for 99 million in a user shop. So looks like I won't be able to bait any more today ☚ī¸

1,293 posts


daisycat • 13 January 2024 at 12:37 PM

Great idea! 😊 I'd love this feature. I think an hour would be nice, so as to match with the hour wait after a quest cancellation.

I baited for a Chipmint six times, no luck, and then just gave up. Previously baited for a Bulbrigar ten times, nothing. I really feel the chances should be increased. They are indeed very low. Just seems like a waste of items / EC lol.

760 posts


okami • 13 January 2024 at 12:50 PM

Yes, I'd also love if the percentage increase from baiting were upped a bit more. ;-; But even if it isn't, I would hope a baiting item re-roll would help so users didn't run into the situation of either spending a ton of ec for a bait item that has a high likelihood of not being successful, or being just stuck for the day because they're unwilling to cash out an excessive amount of ec to continue attempts (if they can even find the item anywhere that is).

1,133 posts


hikanu • 16 January 2024 at 1:16 PM

Managed to successfully bait 20 times today. Got 2 Sunniflats, so it was miles, miles better than last week where I got to bait 6 times, 5 of these was after I finally managed to get my hands on the bloody Silver St. Patrick's Day book I'd been looking for all day. But still frustrating because it's been 6 hours now, and surprise, I'm still "gallery blocked" I am not going to pay 15mil I don't have for a Hay Sundae.

So either we need to be able to re-roll the items or they need to actually implement a gallery/showcase so these items won't be considered available.

760 posts


okami • 18 January 2024 at 12:17 AM

Your luck still reigns superior to mine lol. I am so frustrated right now. Today was the first day ever where I was able to bait every time (although I spent over 35k ec to do it).... not a single monthlie. Like I know it is rng luck, but it is just ridiculous that of all the times I have ever baited, I've only been successful once. One time. Out of probably 30-40 bait attempts. It just is not worth it at all right now (for me and my bad rng luck at least), just feels like an ec and item drain at this point xD I could be spending the ec I'm using to get these items to just flat out buy one of the monthlies for less lol. When I made this topic I was of the mindset that I'd probably still only ever bait if I had the item in my strongroom, but at this point I think I'm just done with it. x) But I digress... hopefully other people have better rng luck ;P
