I think I've just about had it

in Site Feedback & Ideas

113 posts


spirit • 6 November 2011 at 5:09 PM

Have you ever had someone say to you " I'm back now and doing Egg Cave again and I'm ready to take my creatures back now" and you have no idea who the person is, but you have their creatures? You know you didn't trade with that person for those creatures, but you have them? I mean this just gets ridiculous this is the second or third time I've heard this.

I don't mind when I'm holding them for someone that's what my cove @tradeholder is for and I have held creatures and eggs for people there and given them back, but this is not the case.

It's hard when you have no clue when you know you didn't trade with this person in the first place. I try to put down who I got most of my trades from, but when you don't recognize the person who's asking it's tough, and you know it's not them who you traded with. When you get them in a trade with someone else and not the main person then that is not my fault so where does it go from there.

You know if each and everyone of us had someone coming at us and saying hey you have my creature, and I want it back we would all be out our creatures and not have many left, that we could call our own. At what point are they ours?

I've seen a lot of people who have traded and then say oh I really didn't mean to do that and I want it back now, at what point do we say enough? When you make a trade you make a trade, unless you accept and it was an honest mistake which does happen.

6,833 posts


whitefall • 6 November 2011 at 5:10 PM

Well, that's unfair. 😋
Say no.

4,589 posts


crescentfeather • 6 November 2011 at 5:12 PM


Ian said so himself; a trade is FINAL. The creature is now YOURS, and YOU choose what to do with it.

If the user didn't make an agreement with you beforehand, keep it.

2,531 posts


7731826 • 6 November 2011 at 5:12 PM

It might be a scam, I would say " sorry, I dont know you"

4,319 posts


redfire77 • 6 November 2011 at 5:16 PM

@spirit I know, right? its happened to me before, and I just tell them that I don't remember. and if they try to help me remember and then I remember, then I give them back, but if its a n00b, then I'll just block them. 😋

1,384 posts


bubble_tree • 6 November 2011 at 5:20 PM

Yeah, say no. If you don't remember its safe to say no. I found a Skrulline in the AC once with a really good name and the person who abandoned him said "I accidentally abandoned him." But once its yours, its yours.

864 posts


sprite • 6 November 2011 at 5:25 PM

It's really hard to just abandon a creature by accident here lol

9,386 posts


smilies • 6 November 2011 at 5:31 PM

Never happened to me. I'm starting to note down who gets pets if I ever quit, if they traded me something...

4,589 posts


crescentfeather • 6 November 2011 at 5:33 PM

Oh, @avelaingia.

You never cease to make me laugh uncontrollably.

And then I get odd looks from my parents.

I wonder what @dragonstorm78 will think... XD

2,307 posts


lizardfeather • 6 November 2011 at 5:34 PM

I think this is the scenario you're talking about:

User A quits and gives an egg to user B and asks them not to trade it. >>> User B trades it after a month or so >>> User C recieves the egg in a trade >>> User A decides to return and wants the egg from User C

In this case I would ask User A to take it up with User B because you traded your creatures and it's not your fault if they traded something they weren't supposed to, you couldn't have known. User A and User B should work it out, as it doesn't involve you, and giving up User A's original creature is the same as giving out free hard-earned eggs. Trades are final, so you have every right to keep it =)

1,553 posts


rabbitwanter • 6 November 2011 at 5:37 PM

@spirit ~
i agree! oDO liek in teh rules, a trade ish FINAL! and i h8 it wen they tell u wat 2 do and wat not 2 do with it D:

4,589 posts


crescentfeather • 6 November 2011 at 5:38 PM

@avelaingia Nope...

Don't see ya D:

619 posts


dragonstorm78 • 6 November 2011 at 5:38 PM

@avelaingia @crescentfeather
Haha. Don't worry, I knew it was a joke. ^^

My opinion on this... well, if someone really is doing this, it's likely a scam if you have no clue who this is. But what if the hypothetical person has clear proof that these were once their pets?

4,589 posts


crescentfeather • 6 November 2011 at 5:39 PM

@dragonstorm78 I guess they'd have to trade it back, but for a fair offer. 😋

762 posts


thursdays_dove • 6 November 2011 at 5:55 PM

I think if you trade with someone and then want the creature back, you are at that person's mercy. If you really want your creature back in the future, then you should only trade with someone you ABSOLUTELY trust!!

4,589 posts


crescentfeather • 6 November 2011 at 5:58 PM

@avelaingia 0_e

I did not need that image...


113 posts


spirit • 6 November 2011 at 6:12 PM

these were gotten May of 2010 and I don't remember who I got them from but I got them in a trade for freezing some eggs for someone. that's what I do, when I freeze eggs for people, and I told her I don't know her, so she can go jump in the lake for all I care.
