Halloween Creatures for Trade

in Trading & Auctions

92 posts


bash_extras • 8 November 2011 at 10:22 PM

Did you miss out on grabbing a certain Halloween creature? Was the Cave just not nice to you?

Visit this profile (side account of @neo428984) for a way to get something you missed!

Please be aware that these extras I grabbed are for those who do not have one of their own already. I'm in no hurry to adopt them out, so will hold them as long as is necessary to find them loving homes that are missing them 😊

Read the rules in my profile, and if you're interested, the links to the trades are in the profiles of the creatures themselves. They're all separate, but if you qualify to adopt multiple, let me know and I can combine them.

Also, if you yourself have extra Halloween creatures you're looking to adopt out but don't have the patience to do so, I'd love to take them in and find them good homes, too. Or Kujaks (please also note that the Kujaks are not UFA at this time since they're still available in the cave).

Any questions? Ask them here, or on either of my walls. Thanks!
