SCP-1265 the Frice

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Item #: SCP-1265

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Site 1265, which contains SCP-1265, is to be publicly maintained as a wildlife preserve by the Safe and Clean Planet Initiative, a Foundation front company. Scientific discoveries made by the Foundation regarding wildlife within SCP-1265 may be published following corresponding evidence being found in the fossil record.

Civilians wishing to travel through SCP-1265 are to treated with Class-D (Anterograde, Selective) Amnestics in order to be unable to remember instances of SCP-1265-A that they come into contact with. All untreated civilians found to have come into contact with SCP-1265-A instances are to be treated with Class-A (Retrograde, General) amnestics, implanted with false memories, and released.

Every six months, eggs laid by instances of SCP-1265-A are to be harvested for incubation and study before being released into the wild at maturity. Full procedures for care of young specimens of SCP-1265-A, including imprinting procedures, see Document 1265-I.

Description: SCP-1265 is an irregularly shaped area of land measuring 50km2 within the Congo basin, Africa. SCP-1265 is mostly contained within the Democratic Republic of Congo, but approximately 15km2 is contained within the neighboring Republic of Congo. The majority of SCP-1265 is uninhabited, save for some tribal villages, and contains flora typical of the Congo basin.

SCP-1265 is inhabited by several species known to be extinct, mostly from the clade Dinosauria. These animals, collectively designated SCP-1265-A, appear spontaneously in groups of five approximately once every 30 days, and are not necessarily found on the fossil record within Africa; instead, they appear to be selected based on the climate they lived in during the Mesozoic Era. Instances of SCP-1265-A are incapable of leaving SCP-1265, as they dematerialize upon crossing the border of SCP-1265, and reappear in an area within three kilometers of the border, sedated. SCP-1265-A are also not chosen based on one particular period of the Mesozoic, but the Cretaceous and Jurassic are the most well-represented, with sparse population of Triassic-period dinosaurs. In addition, several non-dinosaur reptilians, such as pterosaurs, are known to exist with in SCP-1265, but are not commonly seen.

SCP-1265-A instances, even carnivores, show no aggression or fear towards humans unless provoked; to date, the 3 Foundation personnel killed in SCP-1265 have been killed as a result of accidentally provoking a 1265-A instance, as opposed to being actively hunted by a carnivorous species of SCP-1265-A.

Notably, there are few large carnivorous or herbivorous dinosaurs present as SCP-1265-A instances, and a lack of dinosaur species whose fossils have been found in North America. For example, species such as Tyrannosaurus rex and Brachiosaurus have never been sighted in SCP-1265, but species such as Spinosaurus and Kentrosaurus are relatively common. Proportionately speaking, there is a 5:1 ratio of non-American dinosaurs to American species.

Finally, there are several instances of SCP-1265-A that have not yet been discovered in the fossil record, collectively known as SCP-1265-α. SCP-1265-α instances are known for being unusually aggressive, and will often charge at or attempt to attack researchers and other animals within SCP-1265 indiscriminately. As of yet, Foundation researchers have been unable to determine the origin of any most instances of SCP-1265-α; some have been found in the fossil record, and as such, have been reclassified as instances of SCP-1265-A. Notably, SCP-1265-α instances reclassified as SCP-1265-A usually lose all aggressive tendencies.

SCP-1265 is believed to have existed for at least 200 years, according to historical records. Several instances of SCP-1265-A have been integrated into the folklore of several tribes in the area near SCP-1265. For further details, see Interview 1265-01.

About Frice Eggs

Frice eggs are composed of beautiful brown rock and also generate brilliant sapphire crystals. If any of the crystals are removed from the egg, the creature will never hatch.

About the Frice Creature

Frice have remarkably similar genes to that of the ancient dinosaurs of Ark and it is assumed they are direct descendants.

Frice are very strong creatures, due to their shell of brown rock. Frice are very assertive creatures that are protective of their territory and fellow species. When threatened, a Frice will charge with impressive aim, accuracy, and speed. If you do happen to "escape" the raging charge of a Frice, expect to be found again, as Frice have sharp memories that can recall the enemies of their past (they'll charge again!).

Frice are vegetarians.