Disrupt the Leoaquar

52 of 242
100% Happy
15 Dec 2018
31 Dec 2018
24 Jan 2023
3,706 +1
1,463 +1
Recent Feeders

Essence of Litsdnats
Stage Frozen

Disrupt is one of the few Leoaquars that have truly mastered the art of distracting humans. But, unlike other Leoaquars, who would use the time to nab a treat or to deftly escape, however, Disrupt doesn't put her, well, skill to bad use—she only uses it to gain attention, usually a belly rub or two. It's one of the main reasons why visitors to the cove are usually introduced with Disrupt first—it's a lot easier to start with a friendly snow leopard than a, say, Butcherer!

Checklist! [x]
100 CC for name. [x] (15. Dec. 18)
SoB [x] (17. Dec. 18)
Freeze Child [x] (21. Jan. 19)


All my Leoaquars! 😃

Travels: Snow Fortress, Park Bench, Canige Stg 2, Orange Sky, Bearealis Lights, Ajaini Asteroid.

Don't have yet/considering: Centarus A, Chilly the Snowman, Dark Purple Glitter, Dark Purple Mist, Fortune Teller Room, Heavenly Light, Misty Blue Mountains, Winter Solstice, Wings of Glory.

Done: Power (Seralphae Stage 4), SoB, Celtic Monument, Dark Purple Matter (Bearealis Stage 3), Purple Sparkle (Swanice Stage 1), Ice Trees, Eternity Mountain, Bearealis Stage 4 (Upward Purple Matter), Snowy Whispery Woods

Asundre - My first Leoaquar! Born on 14 Dec 2018. Name Meaning: Asunder, or: apart. A version of the spelling Asunder.
Eternality - My second Leoaquar, impulse-bought after buying Asundre. Born on 14 Dec 2018. Has the ID 2300030! Name Meaning: Eternal, or: lasting/waiting forever.
Butcherer - My third Leoaquar, impulse bought after Asundre and Eternality. Born on 14 Dec 2018. Name Meaning: Butcher, slaughterer, or something guilty of brutal or indiscriminate slaughter or murder.
Toytown - My fourth Leoaquar, traded from @stevepat2002 with a Reidea. Born on 15 Dec 2018. Name Meaning: Quaint, or miniature. Blissful.
Disrupt - My fifth Leoaquar, bought from CSP after trading my Lepilex for CC. Born on 15 Dec 2018. Name Meaning: to interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a disturbance or problem. As @newlife and the 2nd definition of the word has eloquently stated, yes, Disrupt had disrupted my savings.
Paraplegic - My sixth Leoaquar, bought from CSP, as a reward for myself for finishing my HW of Drama & Science. Born on 16 Dec 2018. Name Meaning: affected by paralysis. Other: I'm on a streak of Leoaquars! Sadly...
Approval- My seventh Leoaquar, traded from @stevepat2002 with an Eartha, after my beach cleanup on 18. Dec. 2018. Same day Asi was far too kind and gifted everyone who offered on their Doovoo lot! ❤️ Born on 9th Dec 2018. Name Meaning: the action of approving something, or the belief that someone or something is good or acceptable. Broke my streak, but hey, I shouldn't even be on a streak in the first place.
Mammary - My eighth Leoaquar, traded from @klauenwolf for a Mystic and Verrot. Born on 7 Sep 2018!
Quaintly - Ninth Leoaquar, bought with the 200 CC I traded my Polober for + 300 I had originally. Born on 25th Dec 2018, on Christmas Day!
Medic - Tenth Leoaquar! (Yay milestone!) Born on 27th Dec 2018. Name Meaning: medical student.
Immaturity - Eleventh and final(?) Leoaquar. Born on 31st Dec 2018. Named after Eggcave tea, oh love! ❤️

TO DO: Transfer them all to a storage cove, buy a 250 feeds potion. ;D

About Leoaquar Eggs

This egg looks a little...weird. The feathers are extremely soft while the spots on the egg sort of leave you with a weird feeling. But don't worry! The SAR Center has done some research and determined that the spots are just that...spots on the creature. Some like to believe that the more spots the Leoaquar egg has, the healthier the creature inside is. So keep a close eye on the number of spots on your Leoaquar egg!

About the Leoaquar Creature

The Leoaquar is a very special creature. Sort of a hybrid between a snow leopard and something with wings, the Leoaquar is capable of flight across entire countries! The Leoaquar highly prefers colder weather compared to tropical or warm weather, so expect to keep a lot of air conditioners around if you are in warmer areas. However if you are cold, just snuggle right up to your Leoaquar! They are highly affectionate creatures and enjoy when their owners are completely happy as well. It's has been said, through rumors and mythical stories, that the Leoaquar used to deliver messages across the seas before more permanent ways of message transportation was invented. Of course today the Leoaquar would prefer to stay around the owner. When a Leoaquar sets his or her eyes on you, you are forever their's just as they are forever yours.