S.U.P.E.R. School- RP

in Roleplaying

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cirrus • 17 October 2013 at 7:11 PM

You get a strange letter in the mail one day. It says:

Congratulations [your name],
You have been accepted into S.U.P.E.R. School, the Secret University for Power Education and Regulation. By not returning this letter, you accept to come to our school and learn to deal with your superpowers. No school supplies are needed, we will provide those. You must only bring a suitcase with clothes and anything else you might want. Just show up at your local city hall Sunday, August 25, 2013, at 12:00 P.M. An official will be there to escort you to our school.
Headmaster Alatar

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jupiter_hollow • 18 November 2013 at 8:49 PM


The shouts and bickering always woke him up like clockwork, precisely beginning at a certain hour and ceasing once one or both of the arguing sides left the apartment for work, the other following shortly. Laying in bed fully awake and trying not to listen, he waited patiently as the screams grew more prominent, a crash disclosing the culmination of their argument, the much-awaited slam of the front door sealing the end of it. It had been dad that had left first this time, if the force of the slam was anything to go by - he always found satisfaction of storming out loudly. Had his mother gone out first, she would've left the door widely ajar, getting satisfaction out of knowing she made his father get up to close it. Sly woman... and, needless to say, angry man. She got him riled up so easily that Declan was beginning to suspect she did it on purpose.

After his mother had left, he heaved his own weight out of bed, body heavy with tiredness and sadness. Without bothering to put something on over his bare chest or his boxer-clad legs, he dragged his feet to the kitchen. His father had trown a plate this time, he realized after stepping by accident on one of the shards. With a sigh, he plopped down on one of the kitchen chairs, languidly taking the piece out the heel of his foot, tossing it on the table nonchalantly. Hanging his head, he remained silent and frozen for a short while, half-naked and thinking hecticly.

Soon the biting cold stinging his body shook him out of his musings and he rose out of his seat, just as slowly as before, stretching with a pop of his joints and running a hand through his hopelessly tousled hair. He wasn't sure if his stomach could hold any food hence he hadn't bothered to get any breakfast - there wasn't much in the fridge anyways. Instead, he dragged himself to his room after a brief detour towards the bathroom and sat on his bed, hand reaching underneath his pillow to pull the rumpled piece of paper out, unsure fingers unfolding it and holding it to his attention.

It was... perhaps the fourth time he'd read the letter but none of the words had changed, nor had the sentences rearranged - it had remained the same. It was a letter from the S.U.P.E.R. school and it was a glimmer of hope and, god be his witness, he had brainstormed decisions the entire week but his mind always strayed to that bright possibility of change, recognition and maybe... just maybe a fitting new beginning.

"Congratulations Declan Bikha,
You have been accepted into S.U.P.E.R. School, the Secret University for Power Education and Regulation. By not returning this letter, you accept to come to our school and learn to deal with your superpowers. No school supplies are needed, we will provide those. You must only bring a suitcase with clothes and anything else you might want. Just show up at your local city hall Sunday, August 25, 2013, at 12:00 P.M. An official will be there to escort you to our school.


Headmaster Alatar"

Halfway through the letter he pursed his lips in determination, folding it and getting up swiftly, beginning to pack. The preparations ended up being hectic and messy and he might've packed the clothes he was to travel with, then unpacked and then accidentally packed them again, but it was the anxiety-induced clumsiness that was to blame in this situation. After taking everything he needed, his cat included, he found himself left with only 20 minutes to reach the town hall. He slipped his jacket on, put on his shoes and darted off.

Exactly so much time later he was in front of the Hall's two doors, doubled over and panting, hands poised on his knees and said knees bent tiredly.
He hadn't walked in yet, having simply resorted to staring at the large building, hesitation and reluctance crawling in on his mind.
Leaving his home, parents and old life behind was something he had craved for since many years ago... The desire to rip himself out of this monotonous existence and start an actual life had manifested itself in him a long time ago, just as Camden had. And yet, now, as the opportunity landed itself at his feet, a community of his kin ready to welcome him with open arms, the decision to leave had proved to be harder than expected. He feared change, he feared danger and most of all, he was terrified of making the leap towards the presumed safe haven he was offered... because it could very well end in a fall.

This was it, however.
He was tired of craving freedom and searching for it and failing to find. He was tired of wanting.

And he wanted this so badly.

With a determined exhale, he grasped the doorknob, twisted it and entered, his feet steady and his face split into a smile.

1,801 posts


cirrus • 18 November 2013 at 10:00 PM



Lucas clutched the rim of the toilet bowl, his insides being projected out of his mouth, or so it felt. He had always been a nervous boy, getting sick easily and often. As he had expected, his Dad was standing in the doorway as he turned.

"I'm fine," he said, taking some mouthwash off the counter to get rid of the taste, and pushing past his dad to get back to bed. The clock read 4 in the morning. He sat on his bed, and his dad left the room.

Lucas buried himself back in his bed. The sheets had gone cold again, pressing against his chest in a way that made him uncomfortable. He tried to close his eyes, but they seemed to keep being pried open by some invisible force. He stared at the suitcase in the corner of his room, all packed for the trip later in the day.

Finally, he sat up, and kicked the sheets away, not feeling the urge to rest. Lucas turned and flicked on the lamp by his bed, at the same time grabbing the note folded on his bedside table. He delicately opened it, as if doing it too fast or roughly would make it's contents disappear.

"Congratulations Lucas Arnterment,
You have been accepted into S.U.P.E.R. School, the Secret University for Power Education and Regulation. By not returning this letter, you accept to come to our school and learn to deal with your superpowers. No school supplies are needed, we will provide those. You must only bring a suitcase with clothes and anything else you might want. Just show up at your local city hall Sunday, August 25, 2013, at 12:00 P.M. An official will be there to escort you to our school.
Headmaster Alatar"

He read it in his head, twice, before folding it back up, and falling backwards into a laying down position, clutching the letter to his bare chest. It was as if, and it might have been in his mind, that if he left it out of his sight for more than a few minutes, it would disappear. He hoped to make a new life at this school, to start fresh, not to be the new kid again. He had moved all over the country, each time leaving the few friends that he'd had. At this school, everyone would be new. But two worrying thoughts kept penetrating his mind. First, how was he to be popular when he knew nothing of his powers, while the other students could have been training their whole lives. Second, what if this was just a hoax, a fake letter, all of this a setup. It all seemed very unlikely, and his only evidence that it was true was the official looking document he had gotten.

Deciding it wasn't worth stressing over, although he knew he had done much of that already, he grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. Although not the wealthiest, his parents were fairly wealthy, and had been very generous towards him. They found him one winter night in the snow of their backyard. They always called him their little "snow boy", until recently, that is, when he asked them to stop. Strangly, he'd always had snow white skin and hair, and had a love-hate relationship with the cold.


He woke up hours later, 6:00. The TV cast a blue glow on his chest (he had fallen asleep upright), the covers throw off his bed and in a pile on the floor.

Lucas didn't wan't to get up from his first peaceful sleep in nights, but bolted into a standing position when he realized his letter was missing. Feeling around, he suddenly blushed, though nobody was around, it was a nervous habit. It was in his hand, as it was when he had fallen asleep. He walked into the bathroom and put it in his cabinet so it wouldn't get moist from the steam. He took a shower and when he was done, wiped down the condensation covered counter, plucking his letter from the cabinet, and setting it down to keep an eye on while he got ready.

At 6:45 Lucas had gotten ready for the day fully. He had breakfast and went outside.


After hours of sitting and waiting, his heart, or stomach, was bursting with nervous excitement, it was time to go. His parents drove him to the city hall, but he didn't let them walk him in, so his mom and dad gave him a sad hug goodbye. He walked toward the building with his luggage in tow, excited but nervous, and still having that dreaded feeling that none of this was real, and there would be no one to pick him up when he got inside. Therefore, he had his phone clutched in his hand, ready to call his parents if so. But his parents believed this ridiculous story, so there must be something that he doesn't know. Either way, he'll find out the truth soon enough.

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 21 April 2014 at 8:34 PM

@skittlejg Shall we? I have plans for Declan and Camden. Mind you, I forgot what he was supposed to do once he reached the Hall.

His pace turned feeble after a few initially determined steps inside the Hall. Resignation struck shortly and he was left only with a sense of melancholy, a regretful kind of emptiness that he couldn’t qualify, nor justify anyhow. Whatever excitement was left in his progressively withering optimistic sights died out along with the illusion that he was not leaving forever. There was no going back from here, especially considering how much he wanted this. He felt bad, so bad, for not hesitating to enter this place, or to leave the other one. He had nothing but a dismissive mother and father, which despite having raised him, were not enough to hold him back and that, in itself, was the thing tearing at his ribcage this whole time. He felt guilty because he only had them and still they weren’t enough to weigh over the ridiculously slim possibility of being accepted and fitting in. Pathetic, wasn’t it…

He stopped in the middle of the stone mosaic decorating the room’s floor and looked around. Perhaps he hadn’t quite thought about the lack of distinguishing features a representative of a secret superhuman school would have, which lead to the current situation equivalent to ‘searching for a pin in a haystack’. The general appearance of the hall’s inhabitants made it impossible to pinpoint anybody in of the crowd. They were all a wash of psychedelic and neutral colors, pouring in an out like tidal waves, completely and utterly indistinguishable in their variety, and for a moment he felt idiotic for thinking it would be like spotting a goldfish in a trout pond. It was ridiculous, because in his mind he had been searching for someone with a kind face and bright eyes, preferably with arms warmly outstretched in a gesture of effortless familial warmth. Love, love everywhere! And flowers, maybe.

With an annoyed grunt he tugged on his suitcase, stopping short of his cat’s equally annoyed hiss as she scurried out of the wheels’ way and scratched at the thing’s upholstery. Declan raised an eyebrow at her, pursing his lips at the same time when the cat glanced up under an ‘eyebrow’ matching his expression perfectly. They depicted the purest form of a diva right that moment. A ragged kid and his cat being fabulous, sassily making their way to two empty seats where Declan allowed himself to break the glamour stance and lazily flopped down on both chairs, sitting in one and flopping his legs on the other, leaning back on his luggage.
Katrina scrambled over to his side, grappling at the ugly sweater he was wearing and slinking under it, poking her head out at his neckline and laying on his collarbone.
Declan scratched behind her ear and leaned back nonchalantly.
If they wanted him in their school, they’d just have to find him.

1,801 posts


cirrus • 21 April 2014 at 9:48 PM

Oh, and if I haven't made this clear, they're living in a world where superheroes are, for lack of a better word, prevalent. They definitely exist. Most die after not too long but it's not like these kids are the first superheroes. Everybody knows about superheroes.

Lucas walked in the city. It was less grand than he expected. It was less like a state capitol or the capitol building in D.C. and more like a hotel. There wasn't marble covering the walls, floors, and ceilings. But he knew he shouldn't of expected that.

He walked past some security guards and over to a man at a desk who apparently didn't notice him.

"Hello," he said quietly.

"Do you have an appointment..." he trailed off, looking at Lucas strangely. "What are you doing here..." he started. Lucas blushed. Any social interaction embarrassing him. "Oh, Mr. Arnterment, Lucas, right? Yes, go down that hall and you'll meet a man who will take you to where you need to go."

Lucas followed the hall until not too far down he bumped into a man. "Lucas Arnterment?"

Lucas nodded.

"Come with me," Lucas followed him silently. He felt the vibrations as he got multiple texts, probably from his parents. He decided not to answer them until later. The man took him outside where a surprisingly large plane was waiting. The man took Lucas to a car. He quickly drove him only a mile or so to a small, private airport. One of the ones where only private jets and planes where allowed. Two men opened a gate to the back of the airport without any questions where Lucas found the car driving along the runway and over to a large jet. The man took his luggage and a woman escorted him inside.

"Welcome! You're our first passenger. If you get airsick just let me know. We'll be going across the country picking up the other first year students. I hope I can do anything to make this as enjoyable for you as possible. We're so excited that you're a part of the S.U.P.E.R. School. Please sit anywhere and relax."

Lucas looked around at the built-in plush sofas and chairs. He took a seat. They had two tables for eating and large flat screen TV. As the plane took down the runway, Lucas started to fill with fear, but it sunk down as he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 22 April 2014 at 7:25 PM

The crowd seamlessly parted for her.
Her clothes and posture, as well as her physical appearance differed greatly from the city's standards. Her heels clicked sharply against the stone, mimicking a ticking bomb, because she truly did look like one, what with angrily knitted eyebrows and lips tightened in ire.
She was made of chocolate skin, a beautiful, though authoritive face and thick tightly-curled black hair, and wore a white Armani suit made to fit her like a glove. If anything, she gave off the vibe of a lawyer, bank-owner or something equally as high stationed.

The warning her heels issued out was well-heeded and she reached the hall effortlessly despite the increasing amount of people there.
red-painted lips were further pursed as she crossed the room towards the lineof seats in the corner, where a particular lazy superhuman resided.
She stopped in front of the sleeping boy with a sharp, pointed click of her heels and raised a slim eyebrow when he didn't budge; then raised a hand and snapped her fingers.
Declan jolted up, almost flailing as the incredibly loud sound resonated in his mind. Katrina dug her nails in his chest to keep herself aloft and not fall, which was expected to pain Declan a little bit, but the boy was busy staring at the woman. She had dark glasses on, which hid her eyes and for a moment he assumed she was here to bother for a seat. He looked past her, completely sure that the ear-piercing noise came from elsewhere, but the woman snapped her fingers again.

"Stop!" he yelled, covering his ears to prevent them from ringing further, though the sound already echoed quite vividly in his head. He seemed to be the only one, however. A substantial part of the people around him were staring at him as if he were insane. Had they not heard this chick's impressive deafening fingers?
He looked around slightly, once again, confused, before returning back to the woman to found her with fingers poised.

"Okay, okay!" he rasped out, scrambling up and out of the seat, almost tumbling over himself and over his cat in his effort to get up sooner.
Katrina clumsily tumbled from inside his sweater, landing on all fours, and hissed at both humans. Declan was gathering his stuff in the meanwhile, trying not to make eye contact with the unnervingly scary-looking lady. He took his jacket, his phone and eventually noticed a stiletto-clad foot pushing a beanie towards him, which he gathered quickly.

"Had a nice nap, I presume?" He frowned at her deep, but smooth voice, but nodded dumbly to avoid speaking.
He heard her sigh.

"Car's waiting outside. You messed up on finding the appointment desk, so I'll have to transport you directly there."

"Uh-h, what?"
Declan did a double take at the woman's retreating figure walking towards the exit without a word's notice to him. Apparently, she expected him to follow and it clicked in his mind that he was supposed to. Right.
He wobbled after her, handling a jacket, hat, phone, cat and suitcases altogether in two hands. Without complaining.
He eyed her continuously, pouting.
She was definiely shady, he decided, and not just because of the killer Tom Ford shades or her relatively posh appearance and attitude. She had a diva strut, an arch in her eyebrow and radiated authority.

That woman was a maneater.

With an awesome car.
"You luggage on the back seat, you in the passenger seat. Make sure the cat doesn't shed on my leather." she instructed as the electric key in her hand let out a beep and the BMW's headlights blinked once in activation. She got in quickly, white suit matching the car's color while the dark caramel seats fit her complexion.
"I'm waiting." she urged, revving the engine pointedly before he'd even made a move towards the vehicle, much less gotten in.
"I'm not that fast." he snapped, setting his luggage in the back seat and taking Katrine in his arms, circling around the back of the car, not wanting to come face to face with the lady again. He got in and they shortly took off.

The drive was short, thankfully, but involved a drive through a particularly shady back gate of a small private airport. He didn't have enough time to wonder or guess who ran this place as the car came to a stop and he felt the woman's gaze through her sunglasses indicating it was time to go. He almost rushed out of the car, slamming the door a little too harshly and hauled out his luggage.
"This way." he heard her indicate, going towards a flight entrance. He followed her despite the skeptically raised eyebrow and the protective grip over his cat. This all seemed a little too similar to one of those kidnapping scenes in all the crime Tv shows, where the gullible children always ended up cut up and fed to someone. Or... something remotely similar.
He poked his head through the entrance, smiling sheepishly as the flight attendant eyed him with a bit of ire.
"Welcome. If you get airsick just let me know. We'll be going across the country picking up the other first year students. I hope I can do anything to make this as enjoyable for you as possible. We're so excited that you're a part of the S.U.P.E.R. School. Please sit anywhere and relax." she recited, sounding like she'd rehearsed the lines neatly. After passing her, he let Katrina go explore while he looked around as well. The dark-skinned woman had disappeared seamlessly and only he and another kid occupied the space for now.

Deciding to pass the time by being a bothersome dolt, he left his luggage in a random seat and ventured to the other boy's seat, slightly waving in front of his face before leaning down closely.

@skittlejg @cutebirdy79 @xoxo5959

1,801 posts


cirrus • 23 April 2014 at 12:05 AM

Ugh, just realized I slipped into first person in part of my last post. XD

Lucas jolted awake as his unconscious mind felt movement. The jet was on the ground again. A boy had taken a seat next to him. He relaxed his firm grip on the arms of the seat. Unsure whether to talk or not, he just faced forward. He got that feeling in his stomach again, somewhere between worry, pain, and fear, as the plane took off. Luckily there wasn't too much turbulence.

As the plane climbed and they eventually reached a high enough altitude, Lucas looked over at the boy. He didn't seem particularly friendly. He looked perfectly normal though. Lucas always felt like an outcast, unsure why he was the way he was. His parents originally believed him to be albino, but the blue in his eyes put to rest any possibilities of that.

Lucas continued to watch the clouds. He was ready to get to class, learn what his powers are.

His heart stopped. How did they know he had superpowers. He hadn't seen any sign of them. Maybe they had sent it to the wrong kid. Maybe. But the strange pigment of his skin and hair had always been a symbol of his distinctiveness. Maybe this was the answer he was looking for.
