items auctions?

in Site Feedback & Ideas

should this be made/can cc be a choice of price for the item too (Multiple answers allowed.)

1,853 posts


purgatory • 28 July 2016 at 10:32 PM

there should be an item auction center. there's a creature auction so why not an item one? most items people want are from some users who are probably not playing anymore. people who want to auction an item can have a choice of auction item for creature or auction item for EC

You can trade any items even cave cash vouchers you want and max auction end is eight days. you can put starter price. max starter price is 3,000,000 EC

this idea came to me all of a sudden, so why not??

Items auction is just like auctions people do in real life but in a game.

an item can have CC for the price. but maybe i should take off the rule becuase some people could give a cheap travel that costs 500Ec for 500CC not exactly fair...

hope you like this idea!
