why is everyone seem to be hoarding EC? What are these auctions i keep hear ing about?

in Help & Questions

1,216 posts


pet_cemetery • 18 October 2016 at 4:58 PM

I looked through the auction but it seem to be just the normal junk. So whats going on?

It must be something big cause alot of people are selling thier CC for really cheap

213 posts


shi-shi • 18 October 2016 at 5:04 PM

Check the trading forums. You'll see two topics about 1ec auctions. A raskoon and crystar are in there right now 😊

316 posts


macosten • 19 October 2016 at 11:48 PM

@glados is auctioning the majority of her creatures for 1EC.

Then a lot of other people decided to join in.

...Thus, everyone's trying to hoard EC last-minute. It's most certainly not a seller's market right now.

If I was smart, I'd buy CC now and sell it later... But I won't, 'cause I'm too lazy, I guess. 😋
