Wall: applegranny

iia • 19 Jul 2019, 8:19 PM

The kikker you offered for had a csp travel that was not intended to be uft. If you could send that back I would appreciate it.

pepper • 19 Jul 2019, 11:57 AM

THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'm so happy right now! πŸ˜ƒ πŸ˜ƒ πŸ˜ƒ I'll take excellent care oft he Kikkers! ❀️

pepper • 19 Jul 2019, 11:55 AM

- But then again, with so many pets in your beautiful coves, I might have missed seeing them. πŸ˜‹ Anyway, just putting that out there... in case you are interested in set-swapping for Narlocks or Iccilahs. 😊

pepper • 19 Jul 2019, 11:54 AM

I have a complete Narlock set (and possibly an Iccilah set) I'd be happy to trade you... for a set/sets I'd like more. I'm not crazy about the Narlock or Iccilah, and I didn't see that you had them yet. -

pepper • 19 Jul 2019, 11:50 AM

Oh, I'd definitely take the Kikkers! πŸ˜ƒ Your coves are so grogeous! I was just scrolling through them amazed. You've put so much work into your collection. 😊 -

pepper • 19 Jul 2019, 11:25 AM

- I'd definitely be interested! The set of Kikkers is probably out of my league, huh? πŸ˜‹ Anyway, if there any set (four of the same creature) that you'd offer for the Flofbite?

pepper • 19 Jul 2019, 11:23 AM

Well, I'm probably overreaching here... but I notice you have lots of sets of four... so I'm guessing your like sets? Me too! I have tons at my other side - @peppoy - though it's quite disorganized at the moment. πŸ˜‹ If you could offer a set of something for the Flofbite... -

pepper • 19 Jul 2019, 10:17 AM

Sorry to reject your beautiful offer, but I just got those pets and haven't had a chance to update my wishlist. ☹️ *doing it now*

cleokitty • 18 Jul 2019, 8:53 PM

Fed all! πŸ˜ƒ

senkou • 17 Jul 2019, 2:02 AM

Cool, thank you so much! Lmk what you like. 😊

senkou • 16 Jul 2019, 5:54 PM

Sorry but biwo is only uft for older wishlist pets~ Would anything/a combo of equal value from @fantasy5 be of interest? Again I apologize that we couldn't work something out for the biwo.

corpse • 16 Jul 2019, 10:42 AM

Thank you

senkou • 16 Jul 2019, 2:54 AM

Hey, any chance you have 4 mil ec/ a female efni uft? ^^

corpse • 15 Jul 2019, 10:59 PM

Could I trade a Tedory, Unusith, and a Mothman for one.

corpse • 14 Jul 2019, 7:33 PM

I don't know what to offer but you can look through my cove and see if there is anything that catches you eye if.

corpse • 13 Jul 2019, 10:57 PM

Hi, could I trade a couple of creatures for a Male Efni? If not sorry to bug you.

lunacharm1037 • 13 Jul 2019, 8:50 AM

fed feeds 😊

kalessin • 9 Jul 2019, 4:43 AM

Thanks so much for trading with me! ^^ Fed your list, have a lovely day! 😊

novanaly • 5 Jul 2019, 4:06 PM

What does res’d mean?

blackivy25 • 4 Jul 2019, 10:03 PM

You I'm sorry I have no CC I did once then it was gone the day after I got it.

blackivy25 • 4 Jul 2019, 5:52 PM

Can I have your grisal the ice deer or what ever on appletradeing.

_piano_pokemon_ • 3 Jul 2019, 6:25 PM

im not big fan of le sadly im sorry i would you happen to have any other cc critters you could offer im not to picky i might even take something from this year i missed out on the February cc id be willing to trade for that if you have any spare 😊

_piano_pokemon_ • 1 Jul 2019, 11:06 PM

also very sorry in advance if it takes me a bit to reply im usually busy with my 4 month old cant even hold the phone when im nursing or sitting with him because he trys to grab it lol

_piano_pokemon_ • 1 Jul 2019, 11:05 PM

would you happen to have any other critter from that time id be willing to accept not a big fan of that one or the stage sorry ☹️

blackivy25 • 28 Jun 2019, 11:30 AM

I'm interested in that animal but I need to get the CC first.

blackivy25 • 27 Jun 2019, 2:17 PM

Please separate the deer with wings on your trade.

rashka • 26 Jun 2019, 9:33 PM

congrats for the cactower! πŸ˜ƒ

blackivy25 • 23 Jun 2019, 6:28 PM

What do you want for a Leoaquar I have grades up to by the way it you want to trade for one of them.

prairie • 23 Jun 2019, 1:05 AM

Hello! πŸ˜ƒ What would you be seeking for your Pognot and a draid from your UFT side? 😊 Both are species I'm missing. x3

cho • 21 Jun 2019, 11:39 PM

Thank you for youe generous offer c: