Wall: hay7199

chapus • 19 Mar 2012, 7:16 PM

I dunno... But I guess so. You would have to wait for @albinodragon

chapus • 19 Mar 2012, 7:12 PM

Please post on The Revenge Of The Pure Ones. (Guardian's of Gahoole RP)! D:

wispa • 19 Mar 2012, 11:56 AM

Fed featured back - have a great day.

pablogl2009 • 18 Mar 2012, 8:28 PM


lazydazy411 • 18 Mar 2012, 7:57 PM

Fed your featured, please feed My Mo 😸 Thanks!

wispa • 18 Mar 2012, 7:56 PM

Fed your featured, please feed mine - Have a great day. Can I stay up for views?

pudgyjr1998 • 18 Mar 2012, 7:22 PM

Fed featured 😃

gabbyq • 17 Mar 2012, 1:15 AM

Plz look!

sstwins • 16 Mar 2012, 8:32 PM

Ok, posting!

bash_extras • 16 Mar 2012, 8:21 PM

Shillas for the Flaren?

bash_extras • 16 Mar 2012, 8:15 PM

The only thing that interests me is the Flaren, and that's not worth the Peeturk. Anything else in my cover you'd like for the Flaren?

sstwins • 16 Mar 2012, 7:42 PM

I did! Can I make 2 characters on your 300th games RP?

skylark • 16 Mar 2012, 7:28 PM

Fed featured! Feed Pon?

linpug • 16 Mar 2012, 11:31 AM

Just so you know, deanna is alive ^.^

hayz • 15 Mar 2012, 7:43 PM

I'm still subbed to CotS too. XD From the whole beginning.... ❤️

bunnyshadow • 13 Mar 2012, 8:29 PM

Hmm.. The sky, some clouds,airplanes , sun and... FROGIKESSS

petpet55 • 13 Mar 2012, 7:51 PM

and now my offer for one would be quite poor. xD Unless you'd accept some nice amount of EC, which I doubt you will.

petpet55 • 13 Mar 2012, 7:50 PM

Yeah, I remember loving her name and overlooking that colatay in your cove (I offered one). xD Sadly, since then I traded for few Nogars--

petpet55 • 13 Mar 2012, 7:46 PM

Oh, that's awesome. But I fear I have nothing new to trade for her (we discussed about it before), sorry.

yogurt • 12 Mar 2012, 10:58 PM

Fed featured. ;]

22fireboy • 11 Mar 2012, 4:56 PM

And about your status there are sides capitols and rebels but it is nothing like twilight

kyubee • 11 Mar 2012, 4:37 PM

XD I moved it along for you. 😊 Now... You're going to get ALOT of EC. 😸

dreamer • 10 Mar 2012, 9:44 PM

@Status OMG OMG OMG I SO KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN! -_- The Hunger Games are too overrated for me anyways.

pebblestar-nightclan • 10 Mar 2012, 8:53 PM

Nope, I know for sure that Pebblestar is fine because she is my actual cat and she is sitting in my window... O.O

pebblestar-nightclan • 10 Mar 2012, 8:48 PM

I HAVE NO kits! I have no tom I have mated with (that would be weird)!

hedwig68 • 10 Mar 2012, 8:46 PM

friend says there are sides in HG capital and rebels

pebblestar-nightclan • 10 Mar 2012, 8:46 PM

Not in my world. Your mother left the Clan or stopped being leader or whatever. I am NOT your mother.

pebblestar-nightclan • 10 Mar 2012, 8:42 PM

I'm not your mother.

pebblestar-nightclan • 10 Mar 2012, 8:40 PM


pebblestar-nightclan • 10 Mar 2012, 8:37 PM

Copy cat. >.> Rawr.