Wall: lexicon

tetra • 10 Feb 2020, 9:15 PM

I GTG (dinner). I would like to find a Mossoroo, if I stumble upon one in auctions or something 😊 It's not a must-have tho. Creature designs that I truly love like Knitten, Orciel, Lyralopex and Sylvern, I'm okay with not getting them. I never used CC until I froze that Odraz.

vibrancy • 10 Feb 2020, 9:08 PM

Yup, I was a brat lol 😊

vibrancy • 10 Feb 2020, 9:07 PM

Ah really? I’ve actually met quite a lot of people through the years who share my birthday lol. One is my cousin, I remember the grumpy child I was when we found out she had been born. The attention was turned away from me for a few minutes, which was unacceptable at my party xD

tetra • 10 Feb 2020, 8:57 PM

Your cove is priceless too!! So many of my favourite creatures (and congrats on finding another Tawny! xD), I hope you obtain your desired creatures. ❤️ I'm cheering you guys on with your wishlist and dreamies. My EggCave motto is 'eh, good enough' whatever catches my eye xD

bubblez • 10 Feb 2020, 8:47 PM

All fed😊

tetra • 10 Feb 2020, 8:33 PM

don't shortchange yourself, that's a lot of EC! and your cove worth is 87,822 CC, convert that to EC and that's waaaaaay more than mine will ever be 😃

tetra • 10 Feb 2020, 7:55 PM

Back in 2013-2014, I actually thought I had too much EC. 😊 They did a good job of making us spend a whole bunch of EC on things: items, donations, cove spaces. I'm only at 17% Expand, that's 331 spaces. I don't think I need more, but who knows with 4 new creatures every month

tetra • 10 Feb 2020, 7:37 PM

I'll remember that (at least make a note of it)! 😊 Any plans for arbitrary then? It means random and whimsical right? I've seen that cove spaces can get super pricey, so it's always good to have an extra spot. 😊

tetra • 10 Feb 2020, 7:26 PM

thank you again ❤️ still keeping an eye out for the Yellow Rolling Hills...and sure, it's Dec. 27 LOL, got to wait a while. what about you? 😃

vibrancy • 10 Feb 2020, 7:25 PM

Haha sure! June 4th. c:

tetra • 10 Feb 2020, 7:15 PM

thank you so much!!! ❤️ you caught me while I was quest-shopping so I gave you extra items I just picked up. XD I'm hoping @dulce is you, if so congrats!! 😃

vibrancy • 10 Feb 2020, 7:07 PM

Thanks for the Cosmomon! Feeding here and the pups. Also, I sent a couple travels to @arbitrary 😉

blub • 10 Feb 2020, 5:46 PM

Thank you, fed all back 😸

shelbert67 • 10 Feb 2020, 5:08 PM

yep, theyre my pride and joy!!! tbh i was gonna do the heart thing with the tongue in my original sketch but I didn't know if people would find it weird lol. and what were you looking for in exchange for your 3 stramyra?

jlya • 10 Feb 2020, 2:44 PM

Cute Pup! 😸 ❤️

senkou • 10 Feb 2020, 3:44 AM

Hi! What would you like for the flying tomorrow so travel? Are there any cc traveled in particular that you feel are fair that you're seeking? 😃

downpour • 10 Feb 2020, 2:56 AM

thank you 😊

vibrancy • 9 Feb 2020, 11:41 PM

oh boy 😸 it's gonna look so good with all those little spongecakes in it ❤️

rainstorm • 9 Feb 2020, 11:31 PM

Well thank you 😸 It's a good bit of work, but most rewarding to me. Sadly my bougainvillea has lost most of it's leaves; seems the weather has upset it. :/ But I'm certain it will grow back with care.

vibrancy • 9 Feb 2020, 11:14 PM

Nah, that isn't a completely invalid concern. c: I guess it just boils down to what you end up liking better. I personally fancy @dulce ❤️

vibrancy • 9 Feb 2020, 10:50 PM

Ah, very good point. Alright, so, I just love how elegant @dulce sounds (and looks haha) buuuuut I love the definition for the word sweet, @sweets for sure would fit with anything...so, maybe sleep on it? IT"S TOO HARD

vibrancy • 9 Feb 2020, 10:34 PM

That's hard ;n; @sweets is cute tooooooo tho

vibrancy • 9 Feb 2020, 10:28 PM

-eyy I'm not much help, am I? 😋 Seriously though, you couldn't make a wrong choice. ❤️

vibrancy • 9 Feb 2020, 10:27 PM

Ooooh, such hard choices!! You picked some real nice ones...I love them all!! ;w; But hm, my personal favorite is @flan, it just seems to fit with your account style and the Innus so well! Course I fancy @dulce as well, and you certainly couldn't go wrong with the other two-

ravensong • 9 Feb 2020, 9:57 PM

Fed list and a few at @arbitrary!

holyrin • 9 Feb 2020, 6:14 PM

Yes it is! I can give you the three Innus and 50cc and you can give me the Canige 😊

holyrin • 9 Feb 2020, 6:05 PM

Oh and don't worry about my side, I'm trying to get rid of some creatures
Budgie's say 270k for each Innu but 150-200k is ok for me 😊

holyrin • 9 Feb 2020, 6:04 PM

Fed all back! ❤️

beta • 9 Feb 2020, 2:04 PM

No problem ^^'. I'm always trying to help others with their collections too

vibrancy • 9 Feb 2020, 2:01 PM

Ahh ty, I appreciate the feeds! Fed all here and @arbitrary. Noticed you made 50 Innu, congrats!! ❤️ And thanks, aww, it was actually a hard choice between these 3 username ideas I had: atmosphere, planetarium, or observatory. It was hard, as I really liked all of them.