Wall: twilight_raptor

immortalraven • 17 Jan 2014, 12:06 AM

Monday I took a harder fall but that was face forward at least my face didn't hit the floor. I have a nasty bruise on my hip ;-; And hurts -

immortalraven • 17 Jan 2014, 12:05 AM

eggs stages and those only went for 8ooCC. And got a little confused bout the freezes o-0 Yeah me to. Fell on meh back today at school and-

immortalraven • 17 Jan 2014, 12:04 AM

I know, ya told me the stage. At most I value them are 85oCC but I have never gotten more than 75oCC on them and I've had frozen-

dream-within-a-dream • 16 Jan 2014, 11:50 PM

sokay! 😊 Thanks.

dream-within-a-dream • 16 Jan 2014, 11:48 PM

Hi biwo for corlinn? 😃 ❤️

immortalraven • 16 Jan 2014, 11:35 PM

I don't like travels in place of CC/CC critters/LEs. Hope that made sense. In a bit of pain from falling the 2nd s=time this week ;-;

immortalraven • 16 Jan 2014, 11:34 PM

same scale as critters. And also cause not a fan of Pandais but my cousin likes em and wanted one so that's the reason I might trade though-

immortalraven • 16 Jan 2014, 11:32 PM

Yuki at around 2ooo-25ooCC. I was saying I'd think bout it cause I don't usually do CC critter for travels and don't value travels on the-

immortalraven • 16 Jan 2014, 11:31 PM

cash shop and I've never been able to get much for them (I'd just retrade cause I don't like em)the freezes would be 4ooCC. I value the -

immortalraven • 16 Jan 2014, 11:30 PM

If you would take out the travels it'd be a huge under offer. Pandai frozen I only value at around 75oCC. Since they went for 25oCC in the-

immortalraven • 16 Jan 2014, 5:17 PM


immortalraven • 16 Jan 2014, 5:17 PM

either still in the TA or retired from the TA but they get rereleased and critters don't o3o But I'll think on it depending if you can add-

immortalraven • 16 Jan 2014, 5:15 PM

even added as a little more value if a critter isn't worth it alone cause travels are way easier to get than retired CCs and travels are -

immortalraven • 16 Jan 2014, 5:14 PM

I don't value all those as much as a Yuki, sorry. If you added freezes then maybe. But I usually don't trade CC critters for travels at all-

dream-within-a-dream • 14 Jan 2014, 10:42 PM

yuki or rie uft? 😃

mairbear • 14 Jan 2014, 2:42 AM

Any chance you got something like that? XD And sry for late response, I'm not on fantasy often ^^;

mairbear • 14 Jan 2014, 2:41 AM

Hrrm the only thing I would be willing to trade Celine for would be a very nice Harry Potter character name, like Draco ish level xD

yoyolee • 13 Jan 2014, 6:28 PM

Alright he'll be back to you asap c:

drew12345 • 13 Jan 2014, 3:27 PM

no problem thanks for travel

drew12345 • 13 Jan 2014, 1:05 AM


yoyolee • 13 Jan 2014, 1:02 AM

Alright so i just owe u a freeze now ^^

yoyolee • 12 Jan 2014, 10:54 AM

Alright, as long as the chocob doesn't hatch before then 😋

drew12345 • 11 Jan 2014, 9:48 PM


drew12345 • 11 Jan 2014, 9:48 PM

i sorry didnt read your post til now. i traded one to cousin she might give back name tell me when and i change the other so you can grab

yoyolee • 11 Jan 2014, 9:46 PM

Okay and I can add ~1m EC to sweeten the deal. But yes, think on it c:

kollais • 11 Jan 2014, 10:41 AM

No, it's too risky. Here is name - Lot #432724. Offer junk, sent travel and I'll accept trade.

kollais • 11 Jan 2014, 9:09 AM

Looked on your travels. I can trade name for Haunted woods, if it's ok for you.

kollais • 11 Jan 2014, 6:06 AM

Um. Like, 200k.

kollais • 10 Jan 2014, 2:36 PM

No, sorry, that's to less

kollais • 10 Jan 2014, 9:03 AM

Fed StrirlingMoss. How much EC?