Wall: twilight_raptor

yoyolee • 9 Jan 2014, 7:57 AM

I could do a freeze for the chocob?

yoyolee • 9 Jan 2014, 1:45 AM

I do... why? o:

yoyolee • 9 Jan 2014, 1:37 AM

No thank you. I had both an Orp and a Ghostar, and I've traded both away. I didn't get a Rousel thou and I have been wanting one ... Sorry!

yoyolee • 9 Jan 2014, 1:28 AM

And I dont think I need a gender change for anything but thank you for asking! ^^

yoyolee • 9 Jan 2014, 1:27 AM

Could you switch them out for the rousel? c:

yoyolee • 9 Jan 2014, 12:35 AM

Hi! I'm quite interested in your chocob egg but I don't think it's quite worth a Khione ... Would you perhaps be able to switch the Mos out?

momokie • 9 Jan 2014, 12:35 AM

Or biwo 😱

momokie • 9 Jan 2014, 12:34 AM

I have a khione and crishorse for your Rie 😊

karamel • 6 Jan 2014, 1:09 PM

-- the same year as me. c:

karamel • 6 Jan 2014, 1:09 PM

I think it's a pretty new book, and there's a film version of it coming up this year. c: It's quite action-packed. And my sister is in --

karamel • 6 Jan 2014, 12:07 PM

-- sister is good, but I think she's pretty stressed; she's taking part in directing a play at school and balancing work on top of that. D:

karamel • 6 Jan 2014, 12:06 PM

Still seems pretty awesome! I love to see fireworks exploding and lighting up the sky. *-* I'm currently reading Divergent. 😊 And my --

imcool12328 • 6 Jan 2014, 7:26 AM

Is agera uft for my khione?

pjbuzzy • 6 Jan 2014, 6:50 AM

It's ok, I'm pretty sure the cave hates everyone xD

ahgirltc • 6 Jan 2014, 3:33 AM

fed your list. 😸

pjbuzzy • 5 Jan 2014, 10:43 AM

Yeah, you'll most likely get one from the cave 😊 If not, I'll probably still have at least one, so if your interested still, I'm here 😋

karamel • 4 Jan 2014, 5:56 AM

-- display too, though! And then there were fireworks all through the night, so I just stayed up and finished an entire book. xD

karamel • 4 Jan 2014, 5:55 AM

No, I didn't see. D: I'm sure it was beautiful, though; fireworks always look gorgeous to me. *-* London had a pretty amazing fireworks --

karamel • 4 Jan 2014, 4:51 AM

-- I know how you feel. :x Just try your best. To be honest, it's his doing, not yours, so don't beat yourself up about it. :<

karamel • 4 Jan 2014, 4:46 AM

Oh, good luck in advance for the move! I'm sure everything will be fine. c: And oh wow, I'm sorry to hear that. It can be a real pain; --

karamel • 4 Jan 2014, 4:22 AM

Sure! And yep; I've still got to finish two technology projects. :x School ended on December 19th and it starts next Monday. You? c:

karamel • 4 Jan 2014, 4:08 AM

-- just tons of work and lots of tests coming up for the new term. D: What about you?

karamel • 4 Jan 2014, 4:06 AM

Ooh, really? I totally understand the Christmas thing, but what about New Year's? Just curious, is all. o: Nothing much is new, though, --

karamel • 4 Jan 2014, 4:00 AM

-- all my homework...) I hope this year is another amazing one full of joy for you, and that you get the happiness you deserve. *hugs* ❤️

karamel • 4 Jan 2014, 4:00 AM

I've been hiding under a huge pile of work and books and sheets of paper and to-do lists and post-it notes. :< (Still haven't finished --

inkpelt • 2 Jan 2014, 12:39 AM

I have it, when you're ready to trade 😊

karamel • 1 Jan 2014, 9:34 AM

Happy New Year~! *hugs* Thanks for being one of the best friends I could ever imagine. ❤️

momokie • 1 Jan 2014, 2:34 AM

*csp my tablet hates me..

momokie • 1 Jan 2014, 2:33 AM

I'll get you the cup bird for your rie 😊

emo_pattys • 31 Dec 2013, 12:52 AM

Fed all. Have a nice day 😃