Site Blog

Egg Cave is quite the happening place! Visit our blog for the latest updates on everything new that we add to the site — new creatures, exciting worlds, account updates, and unique activities to do!

Merry Christmas 2018

December 25, 2018 at 12:00 AM 40 Comments

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all of our players!

Visit The Advent Tree

The Advent Tree is giving out a very special gift today. You won't want to miss it. As a reminder, please do not visit the Advent Tree from side accounts.

Welcome to Ark, the Polober! Many thanks to @prairie for suggesting this creature (yet another one!).

Candy Canes

Can you lick through them all in one sitting? Find these restocking at the General Food Store.

Snow Globe Ice Cream

Thankfully, the ice cream isn't entirely trapped inside of a snow globe. The top is open! Finley's Flavors has them.

Bauble Tales

These books contain some HEAVY material! String theory? Quantum mechanics? Check. Find them at the Leila Library.

Christmas Is Coming

December 24, 2018 at 12:00 AM 15 Comments

It's Christmas Eve

We can hardly wait to open our presents here. How about you?

New Travels Restocking

The Travel Agency wishes you a very happy holiday season this year! Find these new items restocking there.

Ticket Response Time

Egg Cave is run by real people just like you. Please allow us some extra time to reply to your tickets through New Years Day. We're spending time with our family and friends, just like you, as well. Thanks for your understanding! Enjoy the holiday.

Last Day for the Verrot

December 21, 2018 at 12:00 AM 10 Comments

Last Day to Buy the Verrot

Today is the last day that the Verrot will be available in the Cash Shop. Get yours before they're gone!

Chilly and Frozen Travels Arriving

December 19, 2018 at 12:00 AM 10 Comments

Chilly and Frozen Travels

These find brand-new chilly and frozen Travels restocking at the Travel Agency! Stay warm out there this holiday season, everyone.

Angry Treelar Coffees

December 17, 2018 at 12:00 AM 10 Comments

Treelar Coffees

Hopefully the hot coffee won't come splashing out, since these Treelars seem a bit angry. Find these at the Bean Sack.

December 2018 Lottery: Drawing 1

December 15, 2018 at 3:00 PM 17 Comments

Lottery Winner

Congratulations to @solaris and @dragonelle and @firedawn, the winners of drawing 1 for December 2018's Cash Shop Creature Lottery! A Muffette has been added to each of your accounts.

Buy your tickets for the next drawing now!

The Biggest, Best Christmas Tree Ever

December 15, 2018 at 12:00 AM 20 Comments

The Festivecker

The Christmas tree to end all Christmas tree competitions has arrived... the Festivecker is now available in the Cash Shop through the end of January 2019. Get yours for 200 CC today!

Roo Plushies

December 12, 2018 at 12:00 AM 8 Comments

Roo Plushies

These unbelievably adorable collectible Roo Plushies are now restocking at the Toy Shop!

Leoaquar Stage Correction

December 11, 2018 at 2:05 PM 39 Comments

Leoaquar Stage Correction

The stages of the Leoaquar have been changed because the images, after further review, have been out of order in representing the child-to-adult progression. The 2nd and 4th stages have been swapped. The 3rd stage remains the same.

The new order of the evolution of this species is as you see the images below:

Leoaquar Freezes Corrected

We realize that swapping the stages affects Leoaquar creature freezes that some of you have already paid for! The creature freezes have also been updated. If you had a Leoaquar frozen in the old 4th stage, we've converted the freeze to the 2nd stage. If you had a Leoaquar frozen in the old 2nd stage, we've converted your freeze to the 4th stage. This ensures that your Leoaquars appear exactly the same.

In other words, if you had a Leoaquar frozen in either the 2nd or 4th stages, no action is required. Your creatures—visually—are exactly the same.

Not seeing the correct stage for your Leoaquars? Clear your browser's cache and recache your images.

Leoaquar 4th Stage Freezes

We realize that is may not be as advantageous to freeze a 4th-stage Leoaquar (since it's the 4th stage and will always stay in this stage). Any users who now have a 4th-stage Leoaquar freeze have had 200 CaveCash credited to their accounts. The freeze, nonetheless, is still in place on the 4th-stage creatures.

Candy Cash Shop Travels Retiring

December 11, 2018 at 12:00 AM 3 Comments

Candy Cash Shop Travels Retiring

This is your final reminder that our candy-themed Cash Shop Travels will be retiring from the Cash Shop on Thursday, December 13 at 11:59 PM ECT.

Cash Shop Lottery Page Fixed

The Cash Shop Lottery page was stretched in a weird way and broken. It has been fixed and is on track for the next drawing. Have you entered yet?

Want to go back in time? Keep reading our older site blog posts below.