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linpug • 4 May 2013 at 6:32 PM

Walking Your Dreams~

What if nightmares became part of reality?

Around the world, people have fallen victim to a new disease, still unknown to the public. Alongside those who have it, only oneirologists - dream scientists - are aware of this sickness. They are still struggling to find a cure, as...

linpug • 2 April 2013 at 12:06 PM

Remake found here:

~Walking Your Dreams~
You have caught an unknown and new disease which scientists are struggling to find a cure of. If not cured, you will die within one year. It had no symptoms except for two. One of them is that you can look into other peo...

linpug • 2 January 2012 at 1:03 PM

Crooton1 made it, but it's lost. Post 1 word, to add to the story. (You may repost) Please don't make it random. 😉 If someone post before you can, just right 'Posted late' No 'the end'



linpug • 1 January 2012 at 12:30 AM

Subtract all the letters of your name but the first one with two 'O's, then replace the first with 'F'. What did you get? I got 'Foo'. ^.^


linpug • 31 December 2011 at 4:09 PM

The Foos of Ark River ~ An Egg Cave Roleplay


There was once a small colony of Foos living along the Ark River. The magical river provided the colony with resources needed to survive and bestowed gifts upon them. However, outside of the colony, Ark's creatures had fallen into a time of disp...

linpug • 27 December 2011 at 11:32 AM

Yeah, give a nickname to the person that just posted.
I say my nickname is L.


People keep calling me Linny or puggy. Please think of something original, or something never posted. 😊

It would be helpful if you pinged the person.

linpug • 26 December 2011 at 2:48 PM


Try a Popsicle. It reduces stress. You can also try ice skating. ^^

You can try:
Ice Skating

linpug • 7 September 2011 at 9:21 PM


Finish the above person's saying or song, but with a funny twist.

Person A: Rain, rain, go away--

Person B: Rain, rain go away. Evaporate and re-condense combining with vapor molecules and cumulonimbus clouds to return to the low pressure weather front and return at a more appropriate o...

linpug • 27 August 2011 at 12:33 PM

Drawing requests: CLOSED! 😊


I love to draw, but lately I couldn't think or anything to draw, so I decided I'm opening a art thread! 😊 I can draw anything you request. Take a looks at some samples of my art.



linpug • 26 August 2011 at 1:11 AM

*u* *u* *u* *u* *u* *u* *u* *u* *u* *u* *u* *u* *u* *u* *u* *u* *u*


I'm enjoying a nice Popsicle while sitting in fount of the computer in a air conditioned house ❤️ I'm too lazy to think. *Mind flutters off*

,,,,,_/\_(^.^)_/\_ NU MY BUTTERFLY >.<