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emeraldstar • 21 April 2017 at 2:01 PM

@silverlite You can make one 😊 All you need to do is think of two or more things you like or are to do with you and then combine them. Example: #Randompotato. If you'd like more examples type in my hashtag #Strangechild in the forums and it should be on a topic about hashtags. Lots of users share t...

emeraldstar • 21 April 2017 at 1:22 PM

Made by #Strangechild (me). #Slinkyqueen (@Flowerlynx) inspired me.

This is a group for people random enough to be blessed with random hashtags.

Founder and mod of Strange children: #Strangechild (Me, @Emeraldstar)

Idea mod: #SlinkyQueen (@Flowerlynx)
Giveaway mod: #Plushieplant (@Silverli...

emeraldstar • 21 April 2017 at 1:11 PM

@skyfall4 Awesome idea! I'm probably #Strangechild