
in Roleplaying

2,591 posts


celeste • 17 November 2011 at 7:07 PM

"Welcome to the Paralell Universe," says the mysterious figure in front of you.


You're a rich citizen, alright, and this was how you lived. Even though you're just a kid, you still have many benefits. Choice food, a superior recreation room and Master of the Playground. Life was sweet, alright, but you were about to find out otherwise.

A long, typical day for you just passed. A day of luxury, riches and well-being. Meh. It's just a normal day. As you prepare to go to sleep, a shining blue parallelogram shines, like a portal to a new world. What is it? You reach out on the edge of your bed and take it.... and....

You are here, with a mysterious figure in front of you talking about this as a 'Parallel Universe'.

"What's a Parallel Universe?" the soothing voice explains "It's a world where things turn out... differently than what you would have expected. Almost opposite. Perhaps," she gestures to a slave trading centre "This would be familiar,"

Your family? How?

"Who am I? I am the Timekeeper, and I know a way out,"

Interesting.... So, you have a plan?

"Find the mythical Parallelogram, somewhere in the depths of this world. I'm to warn you, however. It's in a place you'll never have imagined. It's parallels will turn around once you find it, and turn into a circle. There will be others, surely, and you must compete. Kill, if you must. Alas, my time here is short, be careful... and prepared..."

7,923 posts


hayz • 17 November 2011 at 7:09 PM

Interesting... =.=

2,591 posts


celeste • 17 November 2011 at 7:19 PM


There are 2 stations you could be: Parallel citizen or normal citizen. Note that all Parallel citizens have a 'sin' which caused them to arouse the interest of the Other Timekeeper, as opposed to Parallel citizens, who all have a virtue which causes the Other Timekeeper to want to summon the normal citizens. I will have the role of the Timekeeper, thanks. Nobody else is allowed.

Normal Citizen form:

Parallel Citizen form:

My character:

Normal Citizen form:
Name: Minabelle
Gender: F
Age: 12yrs old
Description: Wears a lot of purple clothing, bright pink hair with bows.
Sin: Greed
Other: Yandere kind of character

533 posts


dewpaw • 17 November 2011 at 7:28 PM

Name: Spirit
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Description: Tall, red hair and gray eyes. Wears a black and white sweatshirt and jeans
Virtue: Music (piano prodigy)
Other: Is quiet, and refers to things as "cool" and "uncool". Does not play the piano for just anyone, only close friends on special occasions.

2,591 posts


celeste • 17 November 2011 at 8:14 PM

Accepted. 😸

7 posts


leif • 18 November 2011 at 12:37 PM

Normal Citizen form:
Name: Scarlet (scar)
Gender: F
Age: 15
Description: Short and thin with bright red hair and almost lime green eyes wears alot of black
Sin: murder
Other: always carries a knife and/or other weapons

2,591 posts


celeste • 18 November 2011 at 5:23 PM

Super-auto-double-accepted! 😸

5,902 posts


seaangel • 19 November 2011 at 8:10 PM

Name: nectorine
Gender: F
Virtue: is kind and very loving.
Other: is easily frighten but don't let that fool you.

7,923 posts


hayz • 19 November 2011 at 8:16 PM

Normal Citizen form:
Name: Silic
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Description: Loves to make one suffer. Natural ebony black hair, sharp purple eyes. (natural❤️)
Sin: Sadistic
Other: Always has a swiss army knife in pocket.

EDIT: And she sings a lot. o-o

4,530 posts


balletninja • 19 November 2011 at 8:20 PM

@celeste Isn't it Parallel?

2,296 posts


orange • 19 November 2011 at 8:26 PM

Normal Citizen form:
Name: Rose
Gender: F
Age: 18
Description: Dirty Blond hair, Blue eyes, fierce warrior
Sin: Too Loyal
Other: Easily distracted

(first time on Roleplay😋)

2,591 posts


celeste • 19 November 2011 at 9:09 PM

There's more than one person with paralells. 😋

Cool! ^^ Maybe 'Too Loyal' isn't that much of a sin? I don't think it's something the Devil will approve of. I'll accept it, though 😸



Note that if you do not post (when we start RPing) for a long time (as in a month or two), the Other Timekeeper automatically kills your character.

7,923 posts


hayz • 19 November 2011 at 9:10 PM

Do we start? ;O

4,530 posts


balletninja • 19 November 2011 at 9:11 PM

@celeste No, but you are spelling Parallels wrong.

2,591 posts


celeste • 19 November 2011 at 9:23 PM

We start. We'll meet in the Town Square, after a short recap of what happened. Registration is still open! Get your friends to join! =] (I just felt like using this smiley 😋)


Minabelle struggled to comprehend the changed atmosphere. The strange thing - 'The Timekeeper' - has just disappeared, leaving a very cryptic message with her. How was she meant to find the Parallelogram? Sounded like a childish mission, but all the better.

She figured there were some others around here. With a smile, she skipped to the Town Square. People liked to gather here, and if they knew anything about this place, even in the 'Parallel Universe', they would come here. The concept of new friends was SO exciting!

5,902 posts


seaangel • 20 November 2011 at 7:29 AM

I was being very quiet. I was looking around to see if anyone else my age was around. Nope I did see a sixteen year old. I walked over to him and tug on his sleeve. "Do you know where to go with the parrelogram?" I asked.

2,296 posts


orange • 20 November 2011 at 7:46 AM

Rose looked around. Where to go? Such a strange place! She walked over to a 14 year old, looking as lost as I was.(Sillic)

This she felt was a start of a brand new idea.

7,923 posts


hayz • 20 November 2011 at 11:50 AM


Silic wandered for what seemed like hours. Her feet ached as she pressed on.

5,902 posts


seaangel • 20 November 2011 at 4:52 PM

I sat down on a bench. I sighed. 'What parrelogram?' I said.

533 posts


dewpaw • 20 November 2011 at 5:15 PM


Spirit looked down at the young girl. She starred up at him with her big eyes. "The what?" He shook his head.

5,902 posts


seaangel • 20 November 2011 at 5:18 PM

"Nevermind. I'm just so, confused right now." I sighed. I put my head on my hands.

533 posts


dewpaw • 20 November 2011 at 5:46 PM


Spirit sighed as the girl placed her hands over her face, "Hey, what's going on? Where are your parents?"

5,902 posts


seaangel • 20 November 2011 at 5:49 PM

I gulped. I tear ran down my face. "Dead." I said. My life was not perfect.

533 posts


dewpaw • 20 November 2011 at 8:29 PM

Spirit's eyes widened, "Mine too." Another person like him. No family, no home., as far as he knew.

2,591 posts


celeste • 21 November 2011 at 2:25 AM

Minabelle sighed, and looked at the others. They were boring, but they were worth making friends with... at least... the day she'll kill them and snatch the Parallelogram for herself. But for now, it was best to be their friend.

"Hi there!" she called, putting on her most innocent smile "My name's Minabelle, and you are...?"

I'd prefer you don't use 'I' in a RP - use your character's name instead.

152 posts


tumblr • 21 November 2011 at 4:12 AM

Normal Citizen

Name: Finnink
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Description: Mesmerizing aqua eyes, slim body and has flashy golden hair(kinda like the old jb hair style)
Sin: Cheated on a girl
Other: Likes to flirt [haha]


'Me?' Finnick asked. 'I just, me, I'm just Finnick. Finn.'

He flicked his sunshine hair while looking around at the girls to see if they were anything to try for. There was one boy, and Finn hoped that he wouldn't steal the girl he'd just spotted. Rose.

2,591 posts


celeste • 21 November 2011 at 4:19 AM

"Ah..." Minabelle sighed "Nice to see a sane person from where I came from." She paused, and giggled, almost manically "So Finnick likes Ro-ose! Finnick likes Ro-ose!" she sung, almost with a malicious tone in her voice.

"So," she began, straightening up "You're here for this Parallelogram, right? Why not us make an alliance?" Minabelle said, sweetly, eliminating all of the previous malice "We COULD invite that Rose girl.... If you're willing," she ended, holding out a hand "Your choice. I can kill you, or we can finish this together."

152 posts


tumblr • 21 November 2011 at 4:30 AM

'Why wouldn't I like to join an alliance with such a cute girl? But, sure. With Rose.' Finn said with a wink.

'No parents, I hear you girls say?' He said facing them. 'Well, I have never seen Father since my 4th Christmas.' With the instant flashback, Finnick continued. His mother had left him for another man, who did not accept children.

Finnick grew up/lived with a friend. Not just a friend. Amelia was the hottest girl at school. Many rumors were spread about them about unmentionable things at the end of last year. Now, he had a chance to change things...


Or make things worse...

2,591 posts


celeste • 21 November 2011 at 4:36 AM

"Can the sweet talk, lover boy. I don't take that kind of stuff, thanks." Minabelle snarled. Her sudden changes and mental instability showed she was a yandere. "I'm happy, however," she continued "To help you seduce Rose. I have a way of worming into people, and squeezing every last drop of sanity and secrecy from them. I'll be loose with the sanity thing, but you're guaranteed to know what she likes," She smiled, with a wink.

152 posts


tumblr • 21 November 2011 at 4:41 AM

'What are you going on about, Mini Bell? I'm not the type of person that has love at first sight!' Finnick's face was blushing to a 'rose' colour.
