in Trading & Auctions

619 posts


eugenefitzherbert • 11 June 2011 at 8:01 PM

Why does it matter so much to you who makes topics on here? o_O It really shouldn't matter at all to you - they were just being kind.

Stop being jealous when other people's topics get more posts. Thanks.

482 posts


gagamonster15 • 11 June 2011 at 8:03 PM

I'm not being jealous. Why would I... It's just little kids posting words...

Deleted • 11 June 2011 at 8:18 PM

How is making a statement being jealous?

482 posts


gagamonster15 • 11 June 2011 at 8:19 PM

*Bows* Exactly. 😃

2,773 posts


thepells4 • 11 June 2011 at 8:36 PM

I agree with @Eugenefitzherbert . Lizardfeather is semi-quitting, and kindly giving out rare creatures, and choosing owners they think are responsible. It really doesn't matter how many or how little people post, this is a generous thing to do, giving away creatures. I really don't think that 'statement' is true.

619 posts


eugenefitzherbert • 12 June 2011 at 1:13 AM


Exactly what @thepells4 said. Nicely put.

There was also no real need to comment on it. If it was just 'little kids posting words', it shouldn't have bothered you. That's all I'm saying.

482 posts


gagamonster15 • 12 June 2011 at 7:50 AM

Whatever, either way I'm not jealous or mad about anything. I just don't find it right that people only post here because at the end of the day, it'll be for their advantage (Getting Lizards rare creatures) I don't even know where the jealousy thing came from, I was just implying how much care has been lacking here and more of selfishness has been around.

And in my opinion, people were just sucking up (NOT everyone who posted here, some people actually came from a place of concern for Lizard and his/her pets) to him/her because after all her creatures were gone, no one was really saying anymore:

"Yea, we're gonna miss you, have fun doing whatever you're gonna be doing in the real world''

But, that's just my opinion from what I observe. You can think what you like. There, the argument is over, you can respond or whatever but I wont respond back and continue spamming this thread. Good day.

619 posts


eugenefitzherbert • 12 June 2011 at 12:01 PM

I'm not going to even dignify this with a proper response.

5,469 posts


crooton1 • 12 June 2011 at 12:18 PM


I have to agree. But there is one thing, not all the people are like that. I still say hello, how's your day going, etc. to Lizard.

482 posts


gagamonster15 • 12 June 2011 at 12:19 PM

Oh I know, that's why I said Not everyone. 😃

4,530 posts


balletninja • 12 June 2011 at 1:01 PM

Yeah, I mean yes it is weird that I became friends with Lizardfeather as she was quitting, but these days there are so many users that he least expected ones quit.

I try to make friends with everyone I can so I have a memory of them. But this isn't always sealed with an egg. Does it matter if it is a junk egg or a rare egg? No, because either way it is a memory of a friend. But most people only go after rares, why? Because that is all they care about.

I think what Lizardfeather did was so very nice! But on the other hand, I could never be able to do it. I would only give my eggs to friends. Or people that were genuinely being nice to me. Otherwise you get a bunch of fake people who ask about when you are going to accept or reject, and people who say they *were* your best friend a long time ago.

I am glad that Lizardfeather and I were friends, she is a kind and caring person. She did a spectacular thing and she should go down in eggcave history. I will miss her and I am happy I have a memory of her. That is the true justice in this.

2,595 posts


maineen • 12 June 2011 at 3:36 PM

@balletninja I agree with you

there are lots of people who just want the creatures and don't care that the actual person is quitting the only thing they care about are the creatures.

Deleted • 12 June 2011 at 3:46 PM

It's the same situation with Stellalunagirl. They don't even BOTHER to READ her profile. It's insulting in my view. .

Not meaning to bring up drama. But it's true.

526 posts


masonm • 12 June 2011 at 7:09 PM

glad everything got adopted out ok 😸 hopefully the new owners will be just as caring as lizard!

*runs away with everyone's tines*
