Dragon and Rider ~Private RP~

in Roleplaying

8,707 posts


pebblestar-nightclan • 12 February 2012 at 12:57 AM


Skylar leaned against his dragon, Zaylia.


Cynder looked around Silverstarr's "home."

Name: Axel
Gender: Male
Age (13-28): 15
Crush: NEVER
Dragon (or going to be dragon): Meema

5,185 posts


sakura2596 • 12 February 2012 at 1:01 AM

Silverstarr sat down on a rock,"Yeah,its pretty boring...."

16,170 posts


bunnyshadow • 12 February 2012 at 1:01 AM

@pebblestar-nightclan Zaylia acknowledged Skylsr with a nudge. Zaylia was a black dragon about the size of 3 full grown male lions. She had silver spikes trailing from the head to the tail. Spikes made a crown on her head. Her wings flared out like a bats and were fuzzy at the wing tips. More spikes poked out from her feet

8,707 posts


pebblestar-nightclan • 12 February 2012 at 1:02 AM

'It's not that bad,' Cynder said, amused.

Axel looked at Meema curiously.


Skylar smiled and scratched Zaylia beneath her scales.


5,185 posts


sakura2596 • 12 February 2012 at 1:05 AM

"Oh well."She said.

Meema looked up at Axel,(Still a hatchling,like Cynder)sending out a puff of smoke. He flew up into the air.

8,707 posts


pebblestar-nightclan • 12 February 2012 at 1:07 AM

Axel watched Meema fly around. He followed Meema as he flew.

Cynder blew small orange flames to warm up the cave.


5,185 posts


sakura2596 • 12 February 2012 at 1:10 AM

"Hmmm..."Sh thought of what to do now.

Meema landed back onto the grass,scorching the grass with his paws,leaving charred footprints there. He flew up to Axel,then landed again,not buring the ground.

8,707 posts


pebblestar-nightclan • 12 February 2012 at 1:14 AM

Axel saw a waterfall a few meters away. He wondered if he should investigate the cave behind the waterfall, or leave it. 'What should we do?' he asked Meema through minds.

Cynder yawned, and circled a rock a few times. She raised her haunches like a cat, and then scaled the jump. She got on top of the rock and lied down.


5,185 posts


sakura2596 • 12 February 2012 at 1:19 AM

'yeah,Im tried too."She said,laying down,putting her head on her pack like a pillow. She waited for a dream to catch her,as she began to sleep.

Meema thought for a bit,then nodded,"But if no one is there,and no scent,we will stay."He comunicated with Axel,"If there are people there,we go"

8,707 posts


pebblestar-nightclan • 12 February 2012 at 1:21 AM

Axel nodded and ran up to the entrance to the cave. He stopped when he saw Silverstarr and Cynder.

Cynder woke up immediately when she scented Axel and Meema. She tensed up, and opened one eye.


5,185 posts


sakura2596 • 12 February 2012 at 1:24 AM

Silverstarr woke up,feeling from Cynder,that something was up."What?"She asked Cynder through her mind.

There are people here. We need to go."He told him,"I sense a person,and another dragon."He said.

8,707 posts


pebblestar-nightclan • 12 February 2012 at 1:25 AM

Cynder said, 'There are people at the entrance here...'

Axel backed away, ready to turn and leave.


5,185 posts


sakura2596 • 12 February 2012 at 1:29 AM

Slverstarr sat up,"What are they doing here?"She said to Cynder telepathically.

"Should we go now?"He asked.

8,707 posts


pebblestar-nightclan • 12 February 2012 at 1:30 AM

Axel shrugged. 'What if they're friendly?' he asked.

Cynder's thoughts were silent for a moment, but you could tell she was thinking hard. 'I don't know why they're here,' she confessed.


5,185 posts


sakura2596 • 12 February 2012 at 1:33 AM

"Should we see if they are lost?"She asked.

Meema looked,"I don't know."He felt scared. The feeling passed to Axel.

8,707 posts


pebblestar-nightclan • 12 February 2012 at 1:35 AM

Axel shivered, suddenly afraid. "Why am I afraid... Why is Meema afraid?" he said quietly to himself.

Cynder jumped up. 'I don't know, but I'm ready if they mean harm,' she said to Silverstarr.


5,185 posts


sakura2596 • 12 February 2012 at 1:38 AM

"Should we go check it out?"

"What If they are burglers."he said.

8,707 posts


pebblestar-nightclan • 12 February 2012 at 1:40 AM

Cynder nodded. 'We should,' she said.

'You have to be courageous, you're a dragon,' he told his dragon through minds.


5,185 posts


sakura2596 • 12 February 2012 at 1:42 AM

"Okay,so we just walk out?"She asked.

"True.What are we suppose to do? Im sure they've sensed us."

8,707 posts


pebblestar-nightclan • 12 February 2012 at 1:44 AM

Cynder said, 'Easy as that.' And she stepped out the cave entrance, looking at the two.

Axel stood, looking at Cynder erectly.


5,185 posts


sakura2596 • 12 February 2012 at 1:49 AM

Silverstarr followed,seeing a boy and another dragon.

Meema looked,watching as two approached.

8,707 posts


pebblestar-nightclan • 12 February 2012 at 1:50 AM

Axel watched the other two with curiousity. "Hello," he said to them.

Cynder growled lowly, just a warning sign that if they were to attack, she was perfectly capable of defending.


5,185 posts


sakura2596 • 12 February 2012 at 1:55 AM

@pebblestar-nightclan i thought his name was Axel xD but it can be Skylar if you want xD

Silverstarr got out a kunai,ready.

Meema Flew up,puffing out a cloud of smoke.

8,707 posts


pebblestar-nightclan • 12 February 2012 at 1:58 AM

@sakura2596 *facepalm* Happens all the time! XD

Axel didnt get anything ready. "We mean no harm... We were just curious," he told them.

Cynder didn't growl, but still looked a little upset.

5,185 posts


sakura2596 • 12 February 2012 at 2:01 AM

"Of what?"Silverstarr asked,not trying to sound mean.

Meema landed on Axel's shoulder.

8,707 posts


pebblestar-nightclan • 12 February 2012 at 2:04 AM

Axel shrugged. "A cave would be a nice place to stay. We don't have anywhere else to go," he said.

Cynder no longer showed a sign of aggression.


5,185 posts


sakura2596 • 12 February 2012 at 2:07 AM

@pebblestar-nightcan im gonna have to go at the next post! ☚ī¸ its !am here! D:

"Hmmm."Silverstarr turned to Cynder,"Should we let them stay,for tonight?"She said through her mind.

Meema waited.

8,707 posts


pebblestar-nightclan • 12 February 2012 at 2:11 AM

@sakura2596 I know, its 2 over here 😋 TIRED

Cynder thought for a moment, a long while. And then she nodded.

5,185 posts


sakura2596 • 12 February 2012 at 2:15 AM

"You may come in. You can only stay for tonight,hen you mist leave."Silverstarr told the two.

Meema flew in,landing on a cave rock,covered with moss.

@pebblestar-nightclan Gotta go now! bye! 😊

515 posts


ieatburgers • 12 February 2012 at 8:27 AM

Name: Death, or Detta
Gender: M
Colour: Midnight black
Crush: -
Rider: None for now 😊

@pebblestar-nightclan 😊
