Creature Profile: Bug with high stats?

in Problems & Bugs

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3,907 posts


dreamer • 15 February 2012 at 8:21 PM


Ignore the random crap all over my computer screen, and try to focus on Carlos' profile.

AS you can see, Carlos has over 1,000 views, clicks, and feeds, and his number of feeds is overlapping underneath the word "Clicks". I keep refreshing, but the screen stays the same.

Is this a glitch?

4,232 posts


meixiaotian • 15 February 2012 at 8:23 PM

Probably a glitch. I don't see it though.

5,410 posts


Orderedchaos • 15 February 2012 at 8:27 PM

@dreamer Its not a glitch. It has to do with how big your monitor is and it's resolution. Small monitors (like laptops or tablets) and resolutions won't have enough space to properly display the stats since they are so large thus the feeds get pushed to the second line.

1,247 posts


Zac • 17 February 2012 at 4:29 PM

@dreamer As was previously posted, this is not a bug but has to do with your browser and screen resolution. Rest assured, you should not be seeing this once we release the updated version of creature profiles. 😊

Topic closed.
