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2,782 posts


inkstep • 27 February 2012 at 1:39 PM

So I am pretty much failing in school, and I know EC isnt the reason why, the reason is because I cant remember anything I learn =( and I cant go back and re-study from the begining of the grade, so what do I do? I have 3 semester assessments, and I cant remember anything, I feel hopeless, it's basically like I got out of 7th/8th and was then given a college exam >_< I feel so stupid, and horrible, my parents think I'm doing so great and I even got accepted into the national honor sosciety, when the truth is I get 100% on the lesson test, but then forget it within the next 5 minutes. Any ideas on what to do?

7,220 posts


whispers • 27 February 2012 at 1:47 PM

I feel the same way sometimes :/

1,903 posts


petpet55 • 27 February 2012 at 1:48 PM


Study regularly.
Refrain from last minute studying for exam that you have the next day or some. Instead try and study for hour or so after the school and homework. It will help you remember stuff better.

Good thing that I used to do is to make short notes while studying. Then you can use those to revise for the exam later. They help great deal when you need to remember something.

2,935 posts


miomar • 27 February 2012 at 1:49 PM


Talk about it with your parents, try to come up with something together.
