If you were a Superhero or super villain who would you be or if you had a superpower what would it be? Winner wins a Bessy Egg!

in Forum Games

Deleted • 26 March 2012 at 6:44 PM

You can answer both questions or just one question:

1. If you could be a superhero, which superhero would you be?

2. If you had a superpower, what superpower would you have? (minimum 4 powers)

3. If you were a supervillain, which supervillain would you be?

My answers to the questions:

1. Huntress (Only people who actually know me would get that joke, hehe)

2. Invisibility, speed, and flying

3. Poison Ivy from Batman

Your Turn.........................

5,632 posts


linpug • 26 March 2012 at 6:49 PM


A random one >;D

Breath fire, and un-shelling peanuts by blinking (It's so annoying hurting your fingers to take the shell off) >8)


Deleted • 26 March 2012 at 6:50 PM

Hehe, donald duck. 😃

5,632 posts


linpug • 26 March 2012 at 6:51 PM

@skibunny9 You put minimum of four powers. but you only put three. XD

3,331 posts


carter • 26 March 2012 at 6:51 PM


1. Id make my own super hero.

2. Shapeshifting, Mind stuff (lol), able to minipulate peoples minds, be better at Math, Science, Soc. S., and ELA lol

3. again id be my own.

Deleted • 26 March 2012 at 6:52 PM

I only wanted to be 3, mostly because that was all I could think of. Hehe 😃

18 posts


mnbvcxz27 • 14 April 2012 at 12:40 PM

1 do not care

2 flying drain life Invisibility awsomeness winning every time fire water darkness annoying people and every thing esle

3 me!

Deleted • 14 April 2012 at 12:44 PM

1. If you could be a superhero, which superhero would you be?


2. If you had a superpower, what superpower would you have? (minimum 4 powers)

Turn into a cat, give people on egg cave whatever egg they want, and summon pie out of thin air.

3. If you were a supervillain, which supervillain would you be?

Th Crazy Cat Lady (Read the Devious Book for Cats)

7,923 posts


hayz • 14 April 2012 at 12:51 PM

1. If you could be a superhero, which superhero would you be? ...MEEEEEH.

2. If you had a superpower, what superpower would you have? (minimum 4 powers) Glide, high jump, sticky fingers, walk on water, and to become a neko demon for an extended period of time, though there are no powers. ;o

3. If you were a supervillain, which supervillain would you be?


10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 14 April 2012 at 1:12 PM


1. Batman, I want all the cool gadgets and cars XD
2. Mind reading, invisibility, super strenght, fire elemental (pyrokinetic, piro psionic), FLYING!!!
3. Catwoman - she is a hero in my eyes though.

18 posts


enadead • 14 April 2012 at 10:21 PM

1. If you could be a superhero, which superhero would you be?
Myself..I guess
2. If you had a superpower, what superpower would you have?
Light and Shadow Manips, Invisabliltiy and Technopathy
3. If you were a supervillain, which supervillain would you be?
again Myself
