Logging to side problem.

in Problems & Bugs

2,485 posts


yogurt • 28 May 2012 at 8:28 PM

*Logging in to side problem.

I logged out of this account so I could log into my side account @pea but when I typed in everything and clicked log in I was logged into the same account I just logged out of. This has happened 2 times already and I'm pretty sure it wasn't cache or something because I refreshed and cleared my cache but it was still saying I was logged into this account. I logged out and put in my information to my other account for the second time and it worked but I don't understand why it logged me into this account. the 1st time I tried. I'm also sure I put in the correct information the 1st time too.

645 posts


hope • 28 May 2012 at 9:02 PM

This happened to someone else too, as well as me a little while ago...

@ian, do you think this may be a bug?

4,232 posts


meixiaotian • 28 May 2012 at 9:03 PM

This happens.
It's just something with the computer.

Deleted • 28 May 2012 at 9:34 PM

Oh I did clear my cookies though. Isn't cookies like cache? If not I guess it that's probably why it had happened.
This is yogurt.
