Werewolf Rp- Wolf Pack Members ONLY!

in Roleplaying

2,353 posts


cynder5 • 2 August 2012 at 4:43 PM

I quickly pull Liza out of the forest and bring her to my living room not wanting her parents to freak out and run back into the forest and attack the wolf that knocked her unconcious

i gtg


5,902 posts


seaangel • 2 August 2012 at 4:46 PM


I gain consciousness and shift back. The healing isn't helping and I cough up blood. "Take me to the hospital." I say before falling into blackness.

2,353 posts


cynder5 • 2 August 2012 at 4:51 PM

>kk< i say and pick liza up and run her to the hospital

ok now i really gtg good luck all of you

5,902 posts


seaangel • 2 August 2012 at 9:58 PM



I'm in consciousness for five minutes then I'm out. It repeats over and over again. I see glimpses of doctors and nurses when I'm conscious and they all look worried. I see my wounds too and they're not healing. The last time I'm consciousness I'm on a hospital bed someone connecting me to an IV.

I hate needles more then ever.

2,353 posts


cynder5 • 2 August 2012 at 10:19 PM

I Si In The Waiting RoomWorrying My Head Off For Liza I See Doctors With Worried Faces And Start To Worry As Well 'What If Hr Wounds Dont Heal What If...' A Series Of Worse Case Scenarios Run Through My Mind Just Making Me More Worried

5,902 posts


seaangel • 2 August 2012 at 10:24 PM

A doctor comes out to Tsumai. "Your friend, do you know her parents number? We need their permission to operate. She has a bit of head trauma, excessive bleeding internal and out." The doctor sat down. His tag read 'DR. VOLINSKY'

2,353 posts


cynder5 • 2 August 2012 at 10:48 PM

"I Do Not Have Their Number But I Know Her Adress I Could Get Her Parents And Bring Them Here" I Say Worridly

5,902 posts


seaangel • 2 August 2012 at 10:56 PM

"Thank you." Dr. V said as a nurse came towards him and a worried look. The doctor ran towards the room that I was in. I was in trouble. Big trouble.

2,353 posts


cynder5 • 2 August 2012 at 11:04 PM

I Run To Liza's House And Tell Them That Liza Is In The Hospital And They Come " Doctor Volinsky I Have Liza's Parents Here I Call Out

5,902 posts


seaangel • 2 August 2012 at 11:12 PM

A different doctor this time female explains that they need to some how stop the internal bleeding. The parents agree then sit on the opposite side of the waiting room in tears.

2,353 posts


cynder5 • 3 August 2012 at 12:48 AM

I Wait And Sit There Worrying About Liza While Playing Worst Case Scenarios Once Again In My Head. I Fall Asleep Waiting For The News On Liza While In The Waiting Room.


5,902 posts


seaangel • 4 August 2012 at 12:10 PM


I wake up and look at the clock. 'It's ten o' clock.' I think as I look at a calender. 'The tenth.' I frown, I missed the full moon. I sigh as a nurse comes in and smiles, "Your awake, I'll tell the doctor." I listen to her and stop her as she's about to walk out of the door.
"Ma'am may I call one of my friends?" I ask and she nods and points to a phone by my bed side. I'm surprised when I remember Siren's number. I call her and wait for her to pick up.


3,317 posts


tikimaki • 4 August 2012 at 10:26 PM

The noise of machines is deafening and the lights flash in every direction making my eyes blink. I watch Siren look at my phone her smile slips away and I realize something isn't right.

"Let's go." I say as she tells me we need to get back to Utah.

We run out of the casino, our feet hitting the concrete ground simultaneously, and jump in the car that we used to transport ourselves to Las Vegas. The light flick on inside the car and the engine bursts into life. We speed through the lights nearly spinning out of control as we turn at a bend in the road.


14,880 posts


hedwig68 • 4 August 2012 at 11:29 PM

Samuel was hidden away from the wolves. He was badly wounded on his sid and it was painful to even move. He grimaced but he began to lock the wound so that the blood would stop. The first thought that popped into his mind was, When mom and dad see this, I am never going be allowed to leave the house again.

2,353 posts


cynder5 • 4 August 2012 at 11:32 PM

I Sit Up In The Waiting Room Of The Hospital After Sleeping There Waiting For The News On How Liza Was And Streched And Yawned Sleepily
> Is Anyone There< I Call Out Telepathically >I Need Someone To Talk To<

4,799 posts


cupcake-neko • 5 August 2012 at 12:24 AM

We quickly speed back to Utah, breaking all speed limits. Worry eats away at me and my eyes dart around as soon as we're in the state.

We get into town and I jump out of the car, trying to figure out where the nearest pack member is.


3,317 posts


tikimaki • 5 August 2012 at 12:50 AM



I push the car door open and slide out of the car . I look around taking in my surrounding before shifting in my wolf form and sprinting of in the direction of the pack members.

14,880 posts


hedwig68 • 5 August 2012 at 9:11 AM


Samuel sent out a mind message <Is anyone there?&gt; He called and hoped for an answer.

5,902 posts


seaangel • 5 August 2012 at 12:16 PM


I hear the message, but frown when Siren doesn't pick up her phone. <I'm here, alive and wel- well better then before. We need to tell Siren that I'm in the hospital. Please find her!>

2,353 posts


cynder5 • 5 August 2012 at 9:11 PM

> liza you are fine < a wave of relieve blasts over me and i try to contact siren

4,799 posts


cupcake-neko • 5 August 2012 at 11:05 PM

I send a quick message out to the pack telepathically.
-Meet up in the clearing IMMEDIATELY. I need to know what's wrong.. Sorry for bein' gone you guys.-
I gnaw on my lip before heading off through the foest, flipping my hood over my head before I go half wolf.
My ears change into a wolfs and stick out. My eyes go silvery, and my smelling goes strong.
I sigh, turning to see a tail poke out over my jeans.

14,880 posts


hedwig68 • 5 August 2012 at 11:13 PM

Samuel got unsteadily to his paws and he limped to the clearing. <I am coming.> He said and he finally refuse the clearing. His wound wasn't bleeding badly and it was starting to heal up, he sighed.

4,799 posts


cupcake-neko • 5 August 2012 at 11:20 PM

I sniff the air, growling when I smell other wolves. Intruders..
I slip into the clearing and see Samuel first. I rush over, seeing the wound and the blood immediately. "Crap crap crap crap..." I mutter to myself.


14,880 posts


hedwig68 • 5 August 2012 at 11:28 PM


Samuel looked up and saw Siren. He turned into a human, "Hey, we were attacked by intruders." He said and he shakily stood to his feet and he held his side.

4,799 posts


cupcake-neko • 6 August 2012 at 12:11 AM

"I know. I'm sorry..." I say, angry at myself. "Sit. You're hurt."

14,880 posts


hedwig68 • 6 August 2012 at 12:17 AM

Samuel sat down again, "It isn't your fault that we were attacked, you have a right to a social life like the rest of us." He said, "I am not sure where the others are except that I think Liza is in the hospital." He touched his side gently his side as it very slowly began to mend.

3,317 posts


tikimaki • 6 August 2012 at 2:05 AM


I send a message back to Samuel "Sorry for being gone, I am heading towards you"

I follow Siren into the clearing and see Samuel wounded.

(I wrote the above to catch up)

5,902 posts


seaangel • 6 August 2012 at 10:24 AM


I hear the message from Siren. I sigh and send her a message back, <Siren I'm in the hospital and won't be out for a while. Werewolf healing didn't work and I don't know why. We need to talk, when they allow visitors in my room.>


4,799 posts


cupcake-neko • 6 August 2012 at 10:28 AM


She nods, listening to Liza and Samuel. -Okay, Liza...- I say, frowning as she says something about the healing not working..
I look at Samuel. "Yeah but we didn't tell where we were going. We didn't answer our phones..."

14,880 posts


hedwig68 • 6 August 2012 at 11:00 AM


Samuel sighed, "I guess but it is over now, what we need to worry about now is that pack. We need to get rid of them, quickly." He said and he looked at Alex and nodded, "Hey."
