~Horsca and Horses Club~

in General

1,460 posts


rainbowkitty • 30 September 2012 at 6:47 PM

Lol! I'm wearing a tank top, miniskirt and flip flops. My hair is in a high pony tail. Typical California girl... XD I think I'm going to the beach later. 😊

2,797 posts


jennifer • 30 September 2012 at 6:48 PM

@rainbowkitty 8O I'm freezing my toes off!

Deleted • 30 September 2012 at 6:48 PM

@jennifer I know. I haven't found one yet.

1,460 posts


rainbowkitty • 30 September 2012 at 6:50 PM

I am sweating my back off 😉
OH!!! And I have a Sunset of Heart background. 😃 It's going on my Moxel

Deleted • 30 September 2012 at 6:51 PM

@rainbowkitty reply on Kingdom of Zayfiden (olf kingdom RP) please!!!

1,460 posts


rainbowkitty • 30 September 2012 at 6:51 PM

@izzfred oh yeah! @jennifer would you like to join that?

Deleted • 30 September 2012 at 6:53 PM

@rainbowkitty you're finally replying!

2,797 posts


jennifer • 30 September 2012 at 6:55 PM

@izzfred I have, like, four of them.
@rainbowkitty Lake Michigan will freeze your legs off. It's really cold. I just go in 3 steps at first, 2 more, 6 steps now... and run out. The waves make patterns in the sand at the bottom so if you keep on running, at some point, your feet are going to hurt.

1,460 posts


rainbowkitty • 30 September 2012 at 6:55 PM

@izzfred I was watching TV 😊
@jennifer oh... 😋 At the beach it's sunny, but the Pacific is waaaayyyy to cold! I play a game where me and my brother run away from the water on the shore (if there's a big wave)

Deleted • 30 September 2012 at 6:57 PM

@rainbowkitty it's fine XD

@jennifer can you trade me one?

2,797 posts


jennifer • 30 September 2012 at 6:58 PM

@izzfred Send her over.
@rainbowkitty My mom taught me to jump waves when I was little. *sigh*

1,460 posts


rainbowkitty • 30 September 2012 at 7:01 PM

@jennifer I AM SOO HOT!!! URGH going to a cooler room. 😋

2,797 posts


jennifer • 30 September 2012 at 10:08 PM

@rainbowkitty XD
Heh... I'm getting bombed by trades with Seys and messages like offer! I have more! 50k for the lot please!!!

659 posts


chunky • 1 October 2012 at 3:22 AM

@jennifer @izzfred yes I thought it was the Unighted kingdom

2,797 posts


jennifer • 1 October 2012 at 5:38 PM

Attention, ATTENTION ALL STAFF, @izzfred and @lucky_cricket
The time has come. But! Before we do that, please meet at @jennifer 's wall to discuss _______(TOP SECERT)______(DO NOT LOOK)_______.

The members who's coves must be checked are:

Deleted • 1 October 2012 at 5:41 PM

@jennifer Yes madamoiselle! *it's what they call you in frnace if you're under 30* *goes to your wall*

1,175 posts


lucky_cricket • 1 October 2012 at 5:43 PM

@jennifer Going to your wall 😊

2,797 posts


jennifer • 1 October 2012 at 5:44 PM

@izzfred @lucky_cricket Thank you. Also, I speak French so I know.

Deleted • 1 October 2012 at 5:46 PM

@jennifer ok then. I forgot you go to a fine arts school.

2,797 posts


jennifer • 1 October 2012 at 5:48 PM

@izzfred I used go to a Fine Arts school. Now I go to gifted school. French is easy... a bit...

Deleted • 1 October 2012 at 5:49 PM

@jennifer fine arts is the same as a gifted school.

1,460 posts


rainbowkitty • 2 October 2012 at 7:29 PM

Can we get rid of our eggs now or are you guys still counting?

1,175 posts


lucky_cricket • 2 October 2012 at 7:51 PM

@rainbowkitty This will end VERY soon. Ask @jennifer for the exact date.

1,460 posts


rainbowkitty • 2 October 2012 at 7:54 PM

@ lucky_cricket D: I JUST TRADED, LIKE, TEN!!! I'll take away the other trades. Can you just count the score i had last? ☚ī¸

2,797 posts


jennifer • 2 October 2012 at 8:18 PM

@rainbowkitty Sorry, no. We have no reconds what soever of your score yesterday.
@lucky_cricket @izzfred Please hand out the prizes. You two combined, hand out the EC prizes while I'll do the Callas. I'm still in first place so the second place winner will receive the Calla. Search up my post on the prizes.

1,460 posts


rainbowkitty • 2 October 2012 at 8:19 PM

@jennifer ☚ī¸ ☚ī¸ ☚ī¸ I never got new eggs since last time you took my score. Promise. It was the same. I thought you said that the contest ended Oct. 1! You should have told me in advance.

2,797 posts


jennifer • 2 October 2012 at 8:20 PM

@rainbowkitty It is October 1st. It was yesterday.

1,460 posts


rainbowkitty • 2 October 2012 at 8:21 PM

@jennifer ... here it's the 2nd. Day after the 1st I gave them away today cause i thought that the contest was over.

2,797 posts


jennifer • 2 October 2012 at 8:24 PM

@rainbowkitty The staff sends the prizes the day AFTER it ends. Your horses stolen/traded/adopted after the ending hour will not count in your score.
@lucky_cricket and @izzfred are currently offline at the moment.

1,460 posts


rainbowkitty • 2 October 2012 at 8:25 PM

@jennifer ... >: ( I'M REALLY MAD. You didn't tell me that! It was 25. PROMISE
