~Horsca and Horses Club~

in General

Deleted • 24 September 2012 at 9:31 PM

@jennifer O_O thank you an your friends nickname is izzy..... O_O O_O O_O *is in shock* th-th-thats my nickname O_O

oh and by the way could you update the standings? I got another Horsca so i'm up to eight. I named it after you but I can't copy and paste links. I also had to get creative with the name..

2,797 posts


jennifer • 24 September 2012 at 10:02 PM

@rainbowkitty Now I'm really confused. I counted 24. You can be staff if @izzfred and @lucky_cricket accept you in as well.
@izzfred Um... O_O you do not live in Chicago and you are 9 and not 10 so there is no way that you are really my friend. XD Creepy.

1,460 posts


rainbowkitty • 24 September 2012 at 10:13 PM

@jennifer ....Wait, what? Hold on lemme count again...

Ok, i counted 22. UGH THIS MAKES NO SENSE XD

2,797 posts


jennifer • 24 September 2012 at 10:27 PM

@rainbowkitty Urgh! Now I got 21!!!

1,460 posts


rainbowkitty • 24 September 2012 at 10:45 PM

@jennifer Ahh what the heck!!!

2,797 posts


jennifer • 24 September 2012 at 10:52 PM

@rainbowkitty Let's just ask @chunky !!!

1,460 posts


rainbowkitty • 24 September 2012 at 11:10 PM

@jennifer Just what I was thinking! (Sorry I'm replying so late I'm half-watching YouTube)

Deleted • 25 September 2012 at 9:44 AM

@jennifer O_O

659 posts


chunky • 25 September 2012 at 11:05 AM

@jennifer @rainbowkitty ask me what? I has 21 hoarding horses!
@izzfred *stabs izzy!*

2,797 posts


jennifer • 25 September 2012 at 5:54 PM

@izzfred O_O. Good thing you are NOT Izzy because her dad is the 4th grade teacher school. If you WERE Izzy then tell me what the homework was for French XD. We go to Gifted school.
@chunky O_O. I'm almost finished.

Deleted • 25 September 2012 at 6:22 PM

@chunky *dies and comes back as a zombie to kill you*

@jennifer I go to a fine arts school too. The classes that we have that you don't have in normal catholic school are drama danc and french.

2,797 posts


jennifer • 25 September 2012 at 6:28 PM

@izzfred Fine Arts O_O? That's what we call art class. We perform. Last year, our class did the play in May but we started reading the script and making the outfits in January. I used to go to a school that was all about art (Walt Disney Magnet School) @himaja I was the best artist still.

Deleted • 25 September 2012 at 6:29 PM

@jennifer the only thing i'm sad about is in my old school we had talent shows. It wasn't a fine arts school either. This is a fine arts school and they don't have talent shows!!!!!!!!!!!!

2,797 posts


jennifer • 25 September 2012 at 6:35 PM

@izzfred *sobs sadly* When you are in an Art School for 3 years and find out that you've been accepted into the school you've been trying to get into for 4 years, you are just so lost.

Deleted • 25 September 2012 at 6:36 PM

@jennifer wha???

1,460 posts


rainbowkitty • 25 September 2012 at 10:07 PM

Okay, so...
Can I be a moderator/staff member of the club?

312 posts


bunnynw • 26 September 2012 at 8:09 AM

i gave @kdxu a raicorn... OH! MAYBE it could be your next mascot hehehe 😃

1,175 posts


lucky_cricket • 26 September 2012 at 4:54 PM

Do we need more staff? I don't think so... but anyways, rainbow kitty wants to be staff.

Deleted • 26 September 2012 at 5:59 PM

@lucky_cricket we don't "need" more staff but rainbow itty can be staff if it's ok with jennifer.

2,797 posts


jennifer • 26 September 2012 at 6:40 PM

@izzfred @rainbowkitty @opal_dreams @chunky @lucky_cricket OKAY! Listen up!! Rainbowkitty can be a helper to the club. By doing that, her chances of becoming staff when we are needing more will go up. Chunky, -_- could you stop talking about murder before Orderedchaos shuts down the club XD. We're talking about school. Opal Dreams, we have a mascot for all of the species of horses so everyone has a chance for their horse to be mascot. *Pings @kdxu because we are in desperate need of a Raicorn mascot XD* I will have to accept Rainbow kitty myself if she signs up for staff. Just remembered, I just signed up for cross country running. Got to get my form accepted by the gym teacher... OKAY! If Rainbow blah, blah, blah everything that passes on this club has to be passed by me last before it can be done. Do not get rainbow Kitty on the wrong path. It happened once in this club again when something happened about horses on side accounts and it was a big mess for staff.

Deleted • 26 September 2012 at 6:42 PM

@jennifer ok. Got it. *busies self doing other things and tries to hide that shes stalking the roleplay forum*

2,797 posts


jennifer • 26 September 2012 at 6:50 PM

@lucky_cricket @izzfred Okay... I'm bored... anyone want to play a old quiz I made about myself? http://www.quizyourfriends.com/take-quiz.php?id=1209081603322078&a=1&

Deleted • 26 September 2012 at 6:51 PM

@jennifer ok!!! *goes to topic* @jennifer I actually can't because It's a website I don't use.

2,797 posts


jennifer • 26 September 2012 at 6:56 PM

@izzfred @izzfred *sigh*
Anyone else? ... Uh...no... -_- everyone else is offline.

Deleted • 26 September 2012 at 6:58 PM

@jennifer I am offline now too.

1,460 posts


rainbowkitty • 26 September 2012 at 7:15 PM

@jennifer Wait what? I have to go right now but I don't get this 😋 What do you mean helper? What do you me me on the wrong path??? Help me!!! ☚ī¸

2,797 posts


jennifer • 26 September 2012 at 7:18 PM

@rainbowkitty Heh. (It's a sigh plus exhaustion not annoyed or whatever). Something happened a while ago and some of the members told others something that was against the rules and everyone broke the rules and we had a hard time cleaning it up. We had to PM everybody, ping them, act nicely but try to give a message. It's like leading you down the wrong path.

1,460 posts


rainbowkitty • 26 September 2012 at 9:21 PM

@jennifer Wait... Brabergiggleskadoodleface!!!
So... I'll just be a helper. I'll help count horses in people's coves and stuff 😋

472 posts


flakes • 26 September 2012 at 9:55 PM

@jennifer umm sure. Welcome to have it as a mascot

2,797 posts


jennifer • 27 September 2012 at 6:24 PM

Current Scores

@jennifer 29
@chunky 24
@rainbowkitty 23
@balala 16
@izzfred 11
@emma2015 9
@whispers 7
@calicogoldfish 5
@ems 4
@cstarswirl 3
@lucky_cricket 1
@cat 0
