Egg Ideas

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cirrus • 24 July 2011 at 10:33 PM

Ok so I had an idea for two eggs, I'll just show them to you!



By the way, incase @Ian takes a look at this here is the desription thingys.

Bleel: Egg: This egg is slimey and has strange blue fins on it.
Creature:A Bleel has vicious teeth that can cut through bone, luckily, is they come out of water for more than 30 seconds they immediatly dry up and die. There electric blue fins are bendy as babys but as they grow up, they're fins turn into sword like weapons. If you get a Bleel, make sure you keep you're space.

Scald: Egg: This egg is too hot for human skin to touch.
Creature: Scald's are the hottest creatures in Ark, the SAR Center has found out that they are 89 percent fire, and 11 percent human! As a spark and young flame, they love helping out by starting your fireplace and cooking food for you. They would love to snuggle is they weren't so hot! But as they grow old, they get a firey temper and don't want anything to do with you. But if you get a Scalde, NEVER TOUCH IT!

Not pinging @ian: @Ian @Ian @Ian @Ian @Ian @Ian @Ian @Ian @Ian @Ian
