Noticed the amount of quitters? Should I quit?

in General

5,632 posts


linpug • 30 July 2011 at 7:16 PM

@thepells4 me too 😋

916 posts


evilyowling • 30 July 2011 at 7:17 PM

Don't let the power of quitting claim victims... fight it!!!! >=( More quitting users make eggcave look majorly well something ;_; I'm going to stay as long as I can possibly be. As in as long as I can fight off quitting...

1,247 posts


Meteoroid • 30 July 2011 at 7:23 PM

Here is how I see things, really.
Quitting because someone else is quitting is nothing more than a mere scapegoat. There are likely other events contributing to the decision to quit and I dislike when people veil it under the "everyone else is doing it" trend.

Yes, older people are quitting. Yes, it stinks. But I wouldn't knock the newbies. There are certainly literate, well-meaning newer members that would make great friends on here.

Now, as you mentioned, there are many things you need to focus on and Egg Cave is not one of them it seems. Which is fine. It is extremely important for you to enjoy what you wish to enjoy and not let something restrain you.

But this all falls upon you when making the decision. As I have said before, no one but yourself is entitled to have a say in what you decide to do.

I see that you posted that you have decided to stay though. But I leave this as a speech to the others who are undecided. 😋

1,079 posts


mangyrawr • 30 July 2011 at 7:24 PM

you shouldnt quit because other people are and lots of people dont want you to quit

2,115 posts


dionaea • 30 July 2011 at 7:36 PM

You definitely shouldn't quit because so many other people are, just take a bit of a break, I kind of did that too, for a long time (several months) I only fed my pets once every 3 days and put them at Tim's to keep em alive, Eggcave can be much more fun again after a break, believe me. If you REALLY want to quit, ok, it's your time and your choice what to do with it. But if you're not sure, just take a break to do some more rl stuff and keep your pets yourself, you may regret quitting a while from now...

Deleted • 8 August 2011 at 11:53 AM

@pendmxc no don't quit, your cove is too awesome and you are too nice to quit!
