EverGreen Academy (Princess/Prince RP)

in Roleplaying

1,603 posts


epicthings451 • 25 August 2013 at 1:00 PM

Your princess/prince receives a letter in the mail saying:

Dear Princess/Prince __________,

You are invited to attend EverGreen, and no not a tree academy. Here, you will learn how to become a more proper princess than you are right now. You will also learn how to control your power, yes you have powers. There will be special classes for you to practice your powers. At EverGreen Academy, there are dorms so please bring what you think is reasonable for a dorm. You may bring one pet and one pet only. We hope to see you there!

EverGreen Academy

Here's the form:

Pet: (you dont need to have one if you dont want one)


1~ No god modding and no god modding
2~ Powers can be ANYTHING
3~ Your pet can be ANYTHING
4~ Be nice 😊
5~ Have fun 😃


There will be missions and special occasions. Anyone can create missions and occasions. There will be demons, monsters, etc.


You can design your own dorm room!!! You don't need supplies, magic does it for you.



1- Princess Elena

2- Princess Carly

3- Princess Ariana

4- Princess May, Princess Emily

5- Princess Shade

6- Princess Lilianna


7- Prince Logan, Prince Jacob

8- Prince Tyler

9-Prince Brad





2,125 posts


xoxo5959 • 25 August 2013 at 1:24 PM

Name: Princess May
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Look: (sorry if it moves around ^^')


Personality: Tough but kind person. Doesn't really talk much. She loves to train and fight but no one knows it but her. Doesn't like to wear long fluffy princess like dresses, but likes to wear flowing ones so she can run, jump, leap, and flip in. Very swift and agile.
Crush: X
Power: Transportation and Flying
Pet: X
Other: Uses swords or bows and arrows to fight with.


Name: Prince Logan
Gender: Male
Age: 17


Personality: Never like doing his royal duty. He likes being on his own. You would always find him in the forest in a tree. He had always liked silence. Making friends is not one of his talents either. He knows how to flip and swiftly sneak up on ememies
Crush: X
Power: Telekinetic (Can also make himself jump high then normal) and Heat Vision.
Pet: X
Other: Uses a sword to fight


@epicthings451 Thank for pinging me ^w^

384 posts


brightpool • 25 August 2013 at 3:20 PM

Name: Princess Lucy
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Look: Brunette with blue eyes. Doesn't like wearing dresses
Personality: Moody, doesn't like being a princess
Crush: none, at the momento
Power:Can control anything with water
Pet: Black calico cat- S'more
Other: Was adopted in royalty, and doesn't like it

1,603 posts


epicthings451 • 25 August 2013 at 4:17 PM

@brightpool @xoxo5959

Accepted!!!!!!!! 😊

Name: Princess Ariana
Gender: Female
Age: 15


Personality: Ariana is mostly calm, but can be irritated. She loves to wear frilly dresses, so she could be considered as a girly girl. She can talk a lot but wont get over bored. Ariana is pretty rude to those she doesnt know but loyal and kind to those she knows.

Crush: None
Power: Water
Pet: a female white cat named Lace


Other: None

Name: Prince Brad
Gender: Male
Age: 17


Personality: Not the fancy prince, but a sporty one. Brad likes to spend his time playing sports. Hes a pretty charming dude and is kind to everybody. Brad is very easy to become friends with.

Power: superspeed (he is naturally strong)
Pet: A male dog named Champ

Other: None

2,071 posts


cutebirdy79 • 25 August 2013 at 4:32 PM

@epicthings451 may I join?

Name: Princess Carly or 'Trouble'
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Looks: medium length curly black hair with ice blue eyes. wears this:

Personality: a funny and sweet tough girl. Loves to see people happy. Usually always is a party girl. Known as the bad girl or Trouble to everyone.
Crush: none at the moment
Power: mindreading & control fire
Pet: a spider monkey- Bo
Other: rides a motorcycle like this:

1,603 posts


epicthings451 • 25 August 2013 at 4:34 PM

@cutebirdy79 accepted!!!! 😊

1,124 posts


bookw0rm • 25 August 2013 at 4:59 PM

Name: Princess Shade of the Darkness (Shade)
Gender: Female (princess)
Age: 16
Look: Long black hair, white skin, a long black jacket with lots of pockets, black pants with lots of pockets, and a black teeshirt.
Personality: Loner, loves to read, draw, very quick to anger and slow to forgive, good at fighting. Also loves nature, can be found in a tree or at her garden (when at home)
Crush: Prince Logan
Power: Flying/Invisibility
Pet: Shadowwolf, it's a black wolf, named Shadow.
Other: Has a magical bow and arrow, disappears/appears at will. Also has a small dagger and a sword in her coat, lock-picking things, severely dislikes dresses, total tom-boy. Can be pretty if she wants to though.

1,603 posts


epicthings451 • 25 August 2013 at 5:01 PM

@bookw0rm accepted 😊 @cutebirdy79 @brightpool @xoxo5959

Oh i forgot, you can have more than one power XD

2,071 posts


cutebirdy79 • 25 August 2013 at 5:19 PM


is my second power accepted?

1,603 posts


epicthings451 • 25 August 2013 at 5:20 PM

@cutebirdy79 yep it accepd!!!! 😸

1,124 posts


bookw0rm • 25 August 2013 at 5:47 PM

Guess I might as well make a boy too 😸
Name: Jacob
Gender: Boy
Age: 16
Look: Dark red hair, tanned skin, Black shirt and black skinny jeans (like an Anubis [Kane Chronicles] x Jacob Black [Twilight Saga])
Personality: Happy, likes nature, likes to draw, enduring, not easily annoyed unless grumpy.
Crush: Nu-uh! Not sayin' yet!
Power: Can shift emotions (kinda like Jasper from the Twilight saga), shift into wolf
Pet: 1st stage Wyrnel named BrownFireFlame
Other: brother/polar opposite of Shade, is a good fighter, can also turn into a wolf

2,071 posts


cutebirdy79 • 25 August 2013 at 6:21 PM

@epicthings451 making a boy too since everyone else has a boy and a girl.

Name: Prince Tyler
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Looks: short blonde hair and green eyes. Wears a grey hoodie, white undershirt, blue skinny jeans and black tennis shoes.
Personality: has a sense of humor and is very sweet. He has a dark side where he is rude and an artsy side where he draws and paints.
Crush: none yet
Power: night vision and can control electricity
Pet: a black bear cub- Keno

1,603 posts


epicthings451 • 25 August 2013 at 6:23 PM

@cutebirdy79 accepted 😃

1,984 posts


tralala22 • 25 August 2013 at 7:26 PM

Name: Emily Kimber
Gender: Female
Age: 16

http://media.photobucket.com/user/VioletZoeySmith1/media/Scarlet and Andrew/animeflowers.jpg.html?filters[term]=blonde hair green eyes anime girl&filters;[primary]=images&filters;[secondary]=videos&sort=1&o=10

Personality: Really cool, and most people think she was born as a princess. With all those ladylike manners, it was hard to believe she came from a farm. Likes to play sports, in the clean way.
Crush: None Yet, will roleplay it
Power: Mind Reading
Pet: A cute little dog. Named Choco. Dark brown, curly and cute.
Other: N/A

@epicthings451 Thanks for pinging!😊

1,603 posts


epicthings451 • 25 August 2013 at 10:19 PM

@tralala22 your welcomes and accepted 😊

1,984 posts


tralala22 • 25 August 2013 at 11:08 PM


Yay! And when do we start?😊

295 posts


animallover94 • 26 August 2013 at 10:51 PM

Name: Princess Elena
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Looks: She has golden hair that she keeps in a bob. Her eyes are a bright blue. She usually has her yellow canary, Sunshine, on her shoulder.
Personality: She isn't a very girly princess, and is more of a tomboy. She is very nice but can be bossy and rude at times.
Crush: None
Power: Teleporting
Pet: Her yellow pet canary, Sunshine.
Other: Sunshine's wings aren't clipped, just in case you were wondering.

@epicthings451 Can I join?

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 27 August 2013 at 2:58 PM


Name: James Morrison "Reid"
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Looks: His physique resembles that of a dancer. Lean but not bulky or too packed with muscles although he's naturally strong. Reid has shortly cropped hair dyed bright red, even though his royal status doesnt allow him odd freedoms such as unnaturally dyed hair. Original hair color is dark brown. His eyes are a deep chocolate, the inside of them rimmed a caramel color. His skin is tanned and a round scar marrs his forearm. He has two silver stud earrings on his left ear.
Personality: Seems to cause trouble by just breathing! A major anarchist and rebel. Dislikes following fancy rules and bowing to royals. Needess to say he doesn't make a good prince. Neither does he want to be one. Jokative and laid back. Easily fired up when insulted or annoyed. Prone to brewing fights over loved ones and close friends.
Crush: neh
Power: Pyro psionic (can only control fire, but can't produce it.) Carries a lighter around, since he needs a source of heat in order for his powers to work. Has good control over his ability and easily weaves shapes out of flames.
Pet: none (may or may not find some random forest animal and bring it home later in the RP) unless a phoenix he often creates out of fire counts as a pet... It helps him in fights.
Other: He dislikes the name James and therefore renames himself like Reid. The name Reid means red-haired so he thought it suited him well. He ended up in the EverGreen academy by his father's desire. The royal family he was born in greatly disliked his rebellious behaviour and therefore decided to ship him away to become a better heir.

1,603 posts


epicthings451 • 27 August 2013 at 3:21 PM

@animallover94 @jupiter_hollow

accepted!!!!!! 😸

@xoxo5959 @tralala22 @cutebirdy79 @bookw0rm @brightpool

start when ever your ready!!!

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 27 August 2013 at 3:57 PM

@epicthings45 @cutebirdy79 @bookw0rm @brightpool @animallover94 @xoxo5959 @tralala22
Not far away from the famous EverGreen school's gates, a navy-colored limousine cruised steadily down the incline of a hill, navigating in a slow pace while the two royals occupying it argued loudly.

The yells resonated in the small enclosed space of the car, and escaped into the chilly outside air, echoing far. A woman's loud but steady voice was speaking.

"James, listen to me! You are to be educated and trained into a powerful and, more importantly, a properly mannered prince! Your father and I decided this a long time ago and our decision is firm and final. You have absolutely no say in this and, god be my witness, I am NOT letting you ruin this chance you are given! You are a heir and must act like one to-"

"A heir!?" a melodicious and youthful male voice interrupted her sharply. "More like a chess piece in your hands! One that disobeys you and wants to make his own decision and apparently that is so inconvenient for father that he ultimately decided to abandon me in some posh hole of a school! And he didn't, even for a moment, consider that I would rather follow my own head instead of trailing after his royal magesty's feet!"

"Don't you dare mention your father in this manner!"


"Davidson! Stop the car. Prince James is dismissed and will walk to his new school." the woman angrily ordered to her driver and watched as the man slowed their ride down to a stop.

Soon, a fiery-haired boy opened the back door with a kick and jumped out, flinging his baggage out along with himself. A snarl marked his face and he glared at the woman inside the car before slamming the door and stomping over to the school gate.

2,125 posts


xoxo5959 • 27 August 2013 at 5:00 PM

@jupiter_hollow @epicthings451 @animallover94 @tralala22 @cutebirdy79 @bookw0rm @brightpool

May stands in the far meadow of her kingdom. May then twirls her sword around and jabbed into the ground out of breathe. She lets go of the handle and sat on the soft grass. `It was a good practice for the day` May thought gladly. In the distance, May saw the tall clock tower and saw it strike 3 in the afternoon. Crows then flew out of the trees of the forest that borders the kingdom form the meadow. Then it hit May. She was suppose to meet her parents in the throne room for they said it was something important. May strung up, grabbed her sword, and ran through the forest and to the side of the castle. She flew up the side and through her window.


Logan stared out his window and out too the forest. Wishing he could be there instead of being kept in his room. Logan sighed and turned to glare at his room. He walked to the painted picture of the kingdom, then looked away `I wish i could go somewhere besides wander the same kingdom.

1,603 posts


epicthings451 • 27 August 2013 at 5:52 PM


A snow white limo stopped in front of the royal and elegant EverGreen Academy. "Have a great time, dear" Ariana's mother said. "Thanks" said Ariana. She stepped out of the limo with her white cat, Lace, in her arms. She wore this dress and shoes and her hair just the way it is in this picture:


A man in a black suit trailed behind her with her bags in his arms. Ariana walked through the golden entrance gates to the front doors of the school.


A black limo rolled over a hill and then stooped in front of the Academy just as a white limo pulled away. "Enjoy your stay!" said Brad's mother. "I will" said Brad. He hopped out of the limo and his dog, Champ, leaped after him. A guy in a black suit followed with Brad's bags in his arms.


1,124 posts


bookw0rm • 27 August 2013 at 6:58 PM



"Oh well, is there anything else? They tried everything else, might as well try going here. Hope I don't share a room with anyone." Shade was talking to herself as she flew to school. She only had a backpack. Shade rummages in her backpack. "Hmm, where is the.... oh here it is!" She pulls out a tomato and eats it. "Oh, there's the school. It better have a garden." She lands and is visible again. She goes up to the gates and waits while the other students catch up. She wondered why a girl was wearing a dress and heels on the first day. They sort of scared her, not that it showed.



"Wonder if Shade arrived yet?" he asked the driver. "Sir, I do not know." he replied. "Yeah she probably did, I mean she flies fast! Whoops, I never said anything." Jacob said sheepishly. "We have arrived." "Really?" "No, your mother said that if you ask too many questions you should walk to school. It seems as though you are too nervous and are starting to annoy me. Therefore, you will walk." "Oh geez. Well, bye nice meeting you." Jacob said sarcastically. Then apologized. He morphed into wolf form and ran to school after the driver was out of sight. Out of sight of the other students, he morphed back and walked like the others.

10,379 posts


jupiter_hollow • 27 August 2013 at 7:08 PM

@epicthings45 @xoxo5959 @brightpool @bookw0rm
Just as Reid reached the gates of the posh school, a bunch of limousines, all painted in fancy colors, pulled over nearby. Elegantly dresses teens spoured out of the car, got wished a good time by their parents and began walking forward with a servant trailing after each of them.

Reid himself felt inferior, what with his undid dress shirt and the suit coat he had draped over his shoulder. His ruffles dress pants (that he had been rudely made to wear) were stained with dirt. While the girls and boys' servants carried their bags, Reid dragged his own luggage leisurely after himself. A small toothpick hung between his teeth, one he had forgotten to spit out after his lunch. Reid looked... well, not princely.

He stood out as rather unmannered too, nonchalantly flinging the gates of the school open.

He stormed in the gardens surrounding it, stopping to look around. A lot more posh than expected, he mused sullenly. Inspecting the gardens, he searched for a particularly high tree, in which to hide and ran off as soon as he saw one. Throwing his suitcases near the base of the plant, he scaled it's branches quickly and nestles himself in the tree's thick green crown.

"Mmmyeah, this is better."

2,125 posts


xoxo5959 • 27 August 2013 at 7:34 PM

May started to walk to the school gate with her luggage. Everything went by so quick. All she remembered was her parents saying she's going to EverGreen Academy, dropped her off and BAM she was there. She was also angry for her parents had forced her to where a fluffy dress:


and her crown:


Logan was shocked as his parents burst his door "Son let's go" His father commanded. "What? Why?" Logan asked in confusion "Me and your father decided to send you to to EverGreen Academy so you can learn and hone your skills." His mother explained. `YES, I get to get out of here` Logan thought excitedly "I shall get ready"

Logan arrives at the school seeing all the other students attending. All the sudden Logan got really nervous. He takes his bags and looked down to try to avoid eye contact.

@jupiter_hollow @bookw0rm @epicthings451 @animallover94 @brightpool

1,124 posts


bookw0rm • 27 August 2013 at 8:03 PM

@epicthings45 @xoxo5959 @brightpool @tralala22


She saw a boy who looked scruffy go inside and climb a tree. She smiled. Maybe he won't be all royal like other people. She also went inside and climbed up a different tree, concealing herself in the branches until Jacob came.



He got himself in order and strode confidently toward the gates. He looked around. He didn't see Shade but he saw a lot of people. He saw a couple trees and a garden. He appreciated the trees but his focus was the garden. Then he realized Shade was probably in a tree. He looked up into a tall one and saw a boy. Next tree was Shade, but she was very cleverly concealed. She motioned for him to be quiet. He was, and went back to inspecting the gardens.

295 posts


animallover94 • 27 August 2013 at 8:32 PM

Elena sat in the bask seat of the royal limo. She looked out the window at Evergreen Academy. "Bye sweetie have fun!" her mother called "Thanks mom." Elena said. She picked up her suitcase and a back pack filled with Sunshine's supplies. She put the backpack on her back, opened up the door and jumped out. She reached in, got the little portable cage Sunshine was sitting in, and shut the door. The limo drove away. Elena looked down at her long pink dress her mother had insisted on her wearing. Little did she know that Elena had packed her suitcase with shirts and pants, rather than dresses. She smiled sneakily to herself and walked on. She had insisted on not having a servant come with her, because she believed she didn't need one. Elena didn't like being a princess much. Too fancy and no one ever thought she could do anything herself it seemed. She saw lots of other kids with their servants and smirked to herself. She hurried up onto the lawn. "Hello everybody!" she called. She opened up Sunshine's cage and the canary immediately flew up onto her shoulder. @bookw0rm @xoxo5959 @epicthings451 @jupiter_hollow

1,202 posts


onyx • 27 August 2013 at 8:49 PM


Name: Gustav Schwerer
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Look: Due to his power being constantly active a large portion of his body is made up of machinery. More precisely both his arms and legs, his left eye, part of his jaw, his collarbone and his heart and entire spine.The metal with which he has replaced these parts has proved to be very strong and hard to damage but also very heavy. The organic part of his body is reasonably muscled and he is monstrously tall. His short, slightly wavy hair is a light shade of blond, skin is pale and his eyes are a crystal blue.
Personality: He lack even the smallest bit of moral and is shameless and heartless. Most of the time he is quiet and avoids coming in contact with others but he can easily be provoked and become rather frightening. He stubbornly rejects doing anything that is not to his liking and it is almost impossible to change his view on a certain subject. Its accurate to say that he is intelligent but that isn't often noticed as he acts on impulse and without thinking. The best aspect of his personality would be his immense will power that can occasionally display itself trough stubbornness or pride.
Crush: none
Power: Gustav can turn any part of his body into a metal replica which seems somewhat like a mechanical replacement. He often uses this ability to increase his strength and also to prevent being injured.

1,603 posts


epicthings451 • 27 August 2013 at 10:33 PM

@onyx accepted!!!! 😸

I totally forgot about dorms XP Choose a dorm: (2 people per dorm)


1- Princess Elena



4- Princess May

5- Princess Shade



7- Prince Logan, Prince Jacob





As she walked to the entrance, Ariana heard a girl say hello to everyone. "Hi" Ariana shouted back. Lace shifted in her arms. Ariana walked through into the entrance hall of the school. "Whoa" she said in awe. Just the the EverGreen Academy loud speakers came on (they are outside to). "Attention all princes and princesses. Please report to the entrance hall in 30 minutes."


Brad stopped and told his servant to drop the bags because he could bring them in him self. The servant walked back to the black limo that waited there. Brad pulled out a red rubber ball. "Go get it!" He said and threw the ball. Champ raced after it.


295 posts


animallover94 • 27 August 2013 at 11:03 PM

@epicthings451 #1 please. 😊

Elena heard the announcement and decided to go in the school while she waited. She walked in and saw the girl who has said hi back. Eager to make friends, she talked to her. "Hi!" Elena said "I'm Elena! This is my canary Sunshine." She shrugged off her yellow backpack and sat down on a chair. She sat the small cage and suitcase on the floor and unzipped the backpack. She got out a package of bird treats and gave one to Sunshine so she would feel more at home. She zipped back up her backpack and stood up. She put the backpack back on her back and smiled at the girl.

@jupiter_hollow @bookw0rm @xoxo5959
