in Fan Art & Creature Suggestions

Deleted • 25 April 2014 at 6:27 AM

link: *egg>
*first stage>
*second stage>
*last stage>

This is my first time drawing and suggesting a bird creature so if there are any mistakes in my art, forgive me. Also, I'm still trying to draw something different from my usual style so here😊 I'm open to criticisms so don't worry 😸

About jelal eggs:

The eggs are surrounded with feathers of various shades (I still have no idea what the colors should be, anyone has a suggestion?) the egg is fluffy on one side and a bit rough on the other half, the egg has also a weird atmosphere around it lulling nearby creatures to sleep.

Also, jelal eggs change colors according to the climate, weather and place it was in hence, it was the reason why they are also called weather forecasters.

About jelal creatures:

Once hatched from the egg, the creatures would hurriedly search for the tallest tree/building in the area, jelal loves to live on high places as it can scan the whole area and can easily search for food.

Jelal birds are bashful creatures and it is said that to capture the heart of a jelal, you should be patient enough to offer them something every day, they also have the ability to copy the sound of anything it hears.

Also, it is said that having a feather of this bird will give you good fortune until the color fades to gray, once the color fades, it will turn to ash and the sound of a mourning jelal would be heard throughout the day.

Pings 😃

Pinging your friends would really be a big help for me ❤️ 😊

4,644 posts


mastergemma • 25 April 2014 at 6:41 AM

It looks great! I love the first stage and egg stage~

1,218 posts


disneyland • 26 April 2014 at 1:17 AM

@shun-m - Your art skills are quite lovely. For some reason it reminds me of Mardi Gras, don't know why, but it does!

I really love all the detail and things that you put into the drawing though. Super pretty ❤️ I'm not one for birds myself, but I like this one ^^

I think you should color it c: Would love to see the finished product.

Even if it doesn't get created, it is very lovely ❤️

Good luck~

Deleted • 26 April 2014 at 7:09 AM

@mastergemma I'm really happy you like it! ❤️ would it be okay if I ask you to help me in pinging the others? 😱
oh my goodness! thank you so much for such comment ❤️ this means a lot to me :')
I'll definitely show you once I colored it! ❤️

pings 😸 (sorry XD)

52 posts


sunflake • 26 April 2014 at 7:20 AM

Awesome! I would colour it all different colors ;D
Pings ~ (sorry)

2,403 posts


evolutary • 26 April 2014 at 7:29 AM

@shun-m The line-art here is very detailed and neat! I also like the creature itself, too. Birds are always nice. 😊

116 posts


nap • 26 April 2014 at 8:24 AM

Aw,so cute *-* ❤️ I want this one 😸 ❤️

475 posts


andreita • 26 April 2014 at 10:29 AM

@shun-m beautiful creature, congrats!

1,224 posts


takochu • 27 April 2014 at 10:38 PM




Only the first 5 pings work.

106 posts


emperor • 30 April 2014 at 7:51 AM

@shun-m It's gorgeous!! ❤️ The artwork is really beautiful and I hope that it gets made! 😃

1,503 posts


sony • 1 May 2014 at 7:05 AM


Haha. Well... you want criticisms? In that case *throws criticisms consecutively at you* >D

Daaarrrling, I love this. xD
Haha. Well, not as much as I love your Mystic creature suggestion, but consider the fact that this was your first time experimenting with this new style of bird art, I'd give a 10 for your efforts! 8D

The egg stage, in my opinion, looks slightly like a Mo egg o.O Don't you think? The first stage reminds me of Shake A Groove Thing :T Like, it's so funky lol. And I think once again, you just did it again with the details, so carefully drawn. It looks like a crossbred of a phoenix, rooster, vulture and whatever kind haha. xD

About the colors, I like the idea of how you figure this bird would be like a weather forecaster, hence the constant change of feather colors. So I think, the colors can be gradually bolder in each stage? Symbolizing its superiority in forecasting the weather once it grows? 8D

Here's what my boring mind thinks:
Colorful feathers for the egg with navy blue and white on the zig-zag stripes; colorful feathers on top head and white fur for for all stages; light yellow, golden yellow, golden yellow mixed brown respectively for stage 1, 2, 3.
And meeeh... This is starting to look like a ramble now! xD

Anyway, still, I really like this, and good luck to ya once again! 😸

Also, I think this would go perfect for June [instead of May, because May has already passed], because its diversity in colors resembles summer, which is also diverse in colors.. o.O Ok I'm gonna stop now...!

❤️ 8D Good luck! 😸

Deleted • 1 May 2014 at 7:40 AM

You made my day once again ❤️

I'm really happy you like this! Actually, I feel so proud of myself because I was able to draw a bird LOLOLOL
About the egg though, now that I looked at the mo egg, I guess you're right XD perhaps I should redraw it or something, what do you think?

And oh, the last stage was actually some kind of a falcon (I WISHED IT LOOKED LIKE ONE) while the second stage looks like a rooster or something then the 1st stage is just some funky chick XD

The description for this creature came out suddenly, I honestly didn't know what to type first but then my fingers started to do their job XD

Maybe I'll color it once I stop being lazy (I wonder when it would be) anyway, Thank you so much for your heartwarming comment ❤️ I always feel happy reading them ❤️

I think I should edit the title XD

766 posts


lunar • 1 May 2014 at 8:59 PM

Awwww, its so cute.
I can really see cream colors going well for it. And sky blue eyes *_*
I want 20. If this was a CC creature too, Id buy it.

Deleted • 4 May 2014 at 8:50 PM

awww ❤️ I'm so glad you like it! ❤️

Hi bby! This is the other creature suggestion I'm telling you ❤️

3,057 posts


jirachiwishmaker • 4 May 2014 at 8:56 PM


Your art just leaves me in awe. This one is Amazing what a beautiful bird. I definitely love it!

2,056 posts


purrclan • 4 May 2014 at 8:58 PM

Could you put them all in one picture for convenience?

Deleted • 4 May 2014 at 9:02 PM

YAAAY! I'm so happy you like it! I'd definitely ping you when I have another creature suggestion!
❤️ *hugs

oh, I'm sorry 😱 Okay, I'll edit it nao 😊

2,056 posts


purrclan • 4 May 2014 at 11:35 PM

It just so happens to be one of the guidelines to creature suggestions. Thought I'd help you out 😋
Cool creature btw! 😊

135 posts


ladynymeria • 5 May 2014 at 12:06 PM

@shun-m The art is great and the creature is wonderful! The second stage is my favorite. I agree that it should be a bunch of different, vibrant colors. (i've always been partial to shades of blues and greens and reds on birds) Hope it gets made~

Deleted • 6 May 2014 at 7:09 AM

OMG, it does? XD I didn't know XD thanks for the information though! ❤️ and thank you so much! ❤️ *hugs

yaaay! I'm glad you like it! this is my first time drawing a bird LOL so I'm really happy you like it ! ❤️

2,056 posts


purrclan • 6 May 2014 at 9:32 AM

