.:~CS: Buttersloff ^^~:.

in Fan Art & Creature Suggestions

What kind of creature should this be?

15 posts


clovershine • 28 July 2014 at 3:02 PM



Hey guys!

I was just drawing a sloth (as you do) and I couldn't help but notice that EC doesn't have a sloth creature...Or so I think. So my brain ordered me to jazz it up and post is as a Creature Suggestion ^^

And here we are now with the Buttersloff^^

Pronounced: Butt-er-sloth
Meaning: 'Peanut butter and sloths mix well according to crazy potatoes' (idk, just be pleased that it isn't Justin Bieber)

NOTE: I meant for the egg to **NOT** have the buds, just stringy stems ;w;

Egg Description:

Many call this egg unique. Although the actual shell itself is one solid colour, there seems to be three pom-poms coming out from its side. These pom-poms seem to be incredibly soft, and it is hard not to always be stroking them.

On another note, there are green, stringy stems coming from the shell. It has been proven that without these, the certain Buttersloff who lacks them will die, but this condition is rare.

The Buttersloff was named after it's shell's smooth texture, which feels like butter when stroked the correct way.

Creature Description:

As a Buttersloff matures, so does it's personality. The Buttersloff is known for it's easy-going nature; a Buttersloff likes nothing more than a little nap every now and then. They generally get along well with humans if they have had good experiences with them, but things can change easily if there has been something bad done to them on purpose. They are generally very sweet characters.


Egg: 0 clicks (durr c😊
Stage 1: 564 clicks

Livepulse pings (sorry ;^; )


4,265 posts


izziebee1017 • 1 August 2014 at 9:41 PM

Great job! I love the egg. The reason I chose the Cave is so I can get one! LOL 😉

15 posts


clovershine • 3 August 2014 at 5:27 AM

@izziebee1017 Thank you ^^ I'm really glad that you like it ^o^

More LP Pings (Please don't kill me D: ) :


1,285 posts


mejary • 3 August 2014 at 5:40 AM

@clovershine thanks for the ping and don't worry i won't kill you 😸 but *gets a knife* just in case

I like the egg stage, it's very original 😸

4,643 posts


mastergemma • 3 August 2014 at 6:05 AM

I love the egg!
I'm not a big fan of sloths but I think it looks good. Just a question: shouldn't the lines around the stomach be a little lighter?


2,260 posts


ashlinnhi • 3 August 2014 at 7:49 AM

@clovershine Sorry, I can't access it due to the stupid school computer =o= I'll help you ping some peeps 😃
Oh and by the way... I've never killed anyone, but let's see what it's like... XD
PINGS: (sorry if you don't like to be pinged!)

236 posts


shunskitten • 3 August 2014 at 7:57 PM

I like it it's cool x3 I'd definetly get one,it's so unique and orignal 😸

Deleted • 3 August 2014 at 10:20 PM

it kind a looks like a sloth sorry if I offended you.
