Creature Suggestion: Pumpletal

in Fan Art & Creature Suggestions

What do you think? (Multiple answers allowed.)

3,201 posts


ushafuse • 27 September 2014 at 4:52 AM

Here's another creature suggestion!
It's a Halloween one.

A Pumpletal always holds eggs by the stalk but no one else can hold it by there. Some say when anybody holds it by the stalk, the arms of the egg will hit him and a sticky substance will stick on him, then some time later, he will become a Pumpletal too. But no one has ever tried it. If someone some how mistaken that a Pumpletal egg is really a pumpkin, he will break his teeth as inside a Pumpletal egg are bones everywhere.

A Pumpletal's eyes and mouth grow as it grows bigger. The lights only light up at night. Pumpletals always sleep under it's owner's bed, the next day they will wake them up with a really scary sound. Sometimes, Pumpletals make the sound randomly and other people who didn't know the sound was coming from the Pumpletal will get really scared. Pumpletals can melt themselves into water and become a normal Pumpletal again, but they rarely do that.

