Cove List Idea: Hidden Tabs

in Site Feedback & Ideas

Would you list to be able to hide lists?

462 posts


megadash • 7 November 2014 at 7:17 PM

Have you ever been working on your lists, adding creatures and re-arranging them, but you're not ready to show it off to the world? Do you want to make a list of your UFT eggs, but don't want people jumping all over them until you've shown all of your wares? What if you want a nice way to take a break from trading and hide them without having to completely delete the list?

Here's an idea: Why don't we get the option of hiding lists from other viewers? We could have a toggle switch that, once activated, visitor would be unable to see the hidden list.


2,302 posts


metaphor • 8 November 2014 at 2:41 AM

I could get behind this. Not sure I'd personally use it, but I could see how many would find it useful!

4,623 posts


mastergemma • 8 November 2014 at 3:45 AM

I'm in need of this XD
