Creature Suggestion ~ Nieve (Christmas)

in Fan Art & Creature Suggestions

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3,201 posts


ushafuse • 29 November 2014 at 8:14 AM

So this is my first suggestion I made with someone else, @sarahzafirah!! The drawing is by her, description me.

Link ---

The eggs are laid near corals in seaweed. The stars on the egg absorb water and when predators come, the stars shine so brightly that the predators run away. The mane of the egg also absorbs water, the more it absorbs the faster it hatches.

Despite their looks, they are very aggressive. Anyone that disturbs it in what it's doing, its stars will shine, but brighter than ever. This time your eyes will pop out. Their legs and tails help them to swim, but when anyone bumps into a Nieve that's swimming very fast, they'll always get kicked accidentally and it hurts a lot.

Hope you like it!


775 posts


cougar • 29 November 2014 at 5:30 PM

@ushafuse adorable ! Hope it gets made ~ Nya! ❤️
