Don't let the moderated get us!

in Forum Games

31 posts


shelby5758 • 15 October 2015 at 6:44 PM

So I know this is copieing someone I don't know who exactly but you know who you are but here is how it's played

We start with 1 then you post the next number so on and so forth until a moderator post something then we againe start from one and it goes on

*you must have me taged or pinged in it so it has to have like @shelby5758 1

* if you don't have your desired number in your post I'll report or delete it but I won't delete it if you repeat say 14 it Sadie then you accidentally put 14 it's ok just pm me or put a response under it explaining what number you repeated and I'll under stand

* you can only post every two numbers so if you post 3 then you can post 6 you see what I mean if not just do every two numbers that is posted you can do the third one

* play farie side accounts are allowed but do not over power side accounts if I find you have too many side accounts liked to it I'll report it

Most of all HAVE FUN! And shhhhh be quiet don't let the monitor get us!!!!

5,410 posts


Orderedchaos • 15 October 2015 at 6:48 PM

A similar topic already exists.

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