#laep2 new creature for new user

in User Contests & Giveaways

172 posts


code-star • 7 November 2015 at 3:29 PM

Hi all and welcome to this page.

Ok well laep2 stand for loyal abandoned egg project (2)

To find out or join please visit this page

ok our overview is...
Loyal abandoned egg project (2) is where we help brand new egg cave members get a foot on the ladder and help them out with a hatch creature. I love that the egg cave community can help out brand new starters and together we can help them feel welcome

Ok so how do we work
1. You have to be a new user who under one month old.
2. The Creature Trade Center must be open (48 hour block)
3. Only ask for one creature only

If you are offered a creature from the following people before sadly don't ask for a creature as laep2 has given you one
@code-star / codestar2015
@leafmelody (also her forum Giftie)

there are the main guys who have given out. If you have got a creature from #Giftie then there are #laep2 sister group 😃 so laep2 can't help out (sorry guys)

7 posts


misspatch • 9 November 2015 at 1:50 PM

Hallo, I was sent here for being a nublet. ouo;
