Creature Suggestion | Proktor | Halloween / Friday the 13th

in Fan Art & Creature Suggestions

408 posts


psycho • 29 January 2016 at 4:00 AM

Hey how's it going.

I've been having this idea for a while that a Plague Doctor could make for a pretty cool creature. I'm not exactly... the best at art, but I figured I might as well make a visualization of what I imagine it would look like.

Based on the nature of the creature I figured it should for Halloween or Friday the 13th.

The name and hatching stages are tentative.


The Proktor:

(Once again I'm not much of an artist. I'm pretty new to drawing something digitally so it may be a little rough)

About Proktor Eggs
The Proktor egg is adorned with two deep crimson circles that seem to swirl and change the longer you look at it. A plethora of strong scents emanate from within these eggs, a strange combination of myrrh, lavender, rose petals and cloves.

More about the Proktor
Proktors are a strange bird-like creature that have been around since ancient times. They carry with them a mist of aromatic scents, from myrrh to lavender to rose petals. Once regarded as a deadly omen, they always appeared right before a disastrous plague. Ancient Arkians shunned the creature as malicious witches, mistakenly believing them to be the cause of the plagues that had scourged their villages.

After centuries of being scorned, Arkians have come to realize that Proktors are actually benevolent creatures, with magical abilities that can cure almost any disease. They are drawn to areas of epidemic, hoping to rid people of of their sickness. Their cures can come in the form of potions, charms, magical spells and small sacks of herbs and flowers. Once a village has been rid of the plague, Proktors are known to vanish, presumably moving on to somewhere else.



Feel free to come at me with feedback, love, hate, or whatever 😊 I'm open to anything and appreciate honesty.

2,570 posts


dragrawr • 29 January 2016 at 6:46 PM

Sorry! I actually like it ! I noticed it.

408 posts


psycho • 31 January 2016 at 4:26 PM

Oops you never pinged me so I just saw this! Thanks haha 😊

1,575 posts


sorrow • 31 January 2016 at 7:54 PM


I like it ❤️ I love days and things that tie in with FT13th and Halloween 😸

762 posts


thursdays_dove • 31 January 2016 at 10:23 PM

@psycho - I like that it has a cane. x3

1,122 posts


iceiceice • 31 January 2016 at 10:38 PM

@psycho lmfao, reminds me of the attire they wore during the black plague Was it inspired by it? From the description, sure Seems like it. If so, makes the creature even spookier. XD

Love the cane. Makes it sophisticated. Or, er, if following the history, the cane is spooky too.

Pfft, makes me even like it more. Bubonic plague creature.

How can something so deadly be this cute? Sinsterly cute.

408 posts


psycho • 1 February 2016 at 6:55 AM

@teddy267 Thanks! I do too, Halloween is my favorite holiday!

@thursdays_dove The cane was added last minute but I thought it added a nice touch x3

@iceiceice Thanks, spooky and sinister is what I was going for haha 😊

Yep, it's based on medieval plague doctors who used to "treat" the bubonic plague and such. I've always loved their outfits and thought they were creepy in a fascinating way, which made me think it would make for a pretty cool creature.

895 posts


murfijs • 21 June 2016 at 11:30 AM

