Stray Saver

in Welcomes & Introductions

What do you Think needs the most People on? (Multiple answers allowed.)

162 posts


qerrat • 14 April 2016 at 8:38 PM

Hello! Welcome! This is a place where you can have more fun on egg cave!
"I stood on the street, wishing for a home. A car pulled over and I was lifted into the van. I felt the car bumping along the road as thunder boomed. When the car stopped, I was brought into a noisy room full of creatures of every kind. I was fed and taken care of. One day, a lady came in and took me home."
THAT can be an eggs life! Us at Stray Savers pick up creatures from unwanted homes, the cave, or any other! There are four jobs to choose from. Habitat finders, Toy/Book/Food searchers, Care takers, and Egg finders. If you want to get a job, copy this information but with your own:
Job: (lets just say) caretaker.
Time on eggcave: At least once a day.
Reason: I'm getting bored on egg cave.
Okay. Well, of course you can adopt! Send me a letter telling me what type of creature and, if you want to be helpful, the name.
I will put that creature on trade and you will trade me with it! :-)
You will get paid! An creature of your choice and EC!

320 posts


christened_moon • 14 April 2016 at 8:54 PM


I'm not sure you're aware, but #crittercorner is already a thing...

162 posts


qerrat • 15 April 2016 at 12:59 AM

@christened_moon, I KNOW! But guess what? No one seems to be doing it anymore! I am the last person to make a post and that was in MARCH 12! I kept trying to do my job but I felt lonely like I was working at a restaurant is the middle of the desert by myself. I kept sending trinket travels because a habitat seeker was my job but never heard anything. I will do my job once more when SOMEONE posts on #crittercorner but so far,nothing...

5,409 posts


Orderedchaos • 15 April 2016 at 10:10 AM

A similar topic already exists. Please do not create duplicate topics.

Due to the reason above this topic is now closed.
