Fantasy RP (Currently Open)

in Roleplaying

Deleted • 14 December 2016 at 5:32 PM

@emeraldstar may I join?

Name : Moonstone
Age : 17
Backstory: Her parents were the king and queen of the witch kingdom, her parents died while in war when she was 16, so, she became the queen. She is still depressed with her parents death.
Wepons/Abilities: Dark Magic and can shapes hit into a black cat and has a wand.
Role out of my List : Neko Witch Queen
Usually Wears: A dark purple dress with Blake robe. Also has a necklace the shape of a moon.
Personality: Moonstone is short tempred, depressed, quiet and reserved .

1,031 posts


emeraldstar • 15 December 2016 at 7:31 AM

@chicachicken Accepted. Here are my characters:

Name: Flame
Age: 18
Backstory: Her mother was a witch and her father a dragon. Her parents were king and Queen of the flame dragons. Well, they were. Until one dragon plotted against them and brought their death. Flame has been given the role but she doesn't wish to keep it as she won't be able to stay to look after her kingdom.
Weapons/Abilities: She can manipulate purple fire, use witchcraft, turn into a dragon, turn into a normal human, be a half dragon half human and fly. She also has a purple wand and two daggers.
Role: Dragon Witch Princess
Wears: A purple vest top with a black sweater on top of it, black jeans, black belt, black knee high laced up boots. In her belt is a purple wand and two silver daggers.
Personality: Feisty, independent, can be caring, loyal, honest, quite mysterious.
Appearance: Waist length brown hair with purple dip-dye, light purple eyes, quite tall. She has dragon like purple scales over her hands and part of her face. She has a dragon tail and wings but she has to will them to come.

Deleted • 15 December 2016 at 11:33 AM

@emeraldstar thanks, I forget her appearance long curly mid back hair, light tan skin almost white and dark purple eyes.

2,186 posts


hashtagnight • 16 December 2016 at 6:20 AM

@emeraldstar (Here's a remake. I added a few new things to the form if that's okay with you.)

Name: Marimi Ikari
Age: Appears to be 18
Gender: Female
Species: Fox Youkai
Backstory: Marimi is a youkai that existed for a few hundred years. Her long life has caused her to gain a sentient mind and exceptional powers. Shortly after this transformation, Marimi spends her lives slacking off and being bored most of the time.
Weapons/Abilities: Marimi has foxlike reflexes, and often uses them to their advantage. She also has the ability to create weak bursts of fire.
Role: Really nothing; is an explorer of sorts.
Appearance: Marimi has long brown hair and fox ears. Fair skin color as she takes a human form. A slender build, and has a large fox tail. She is 5"07 in height.
Clothing: A dark brown pleated layered skirt, a gray sailor shirt with a red tie, long socks, and brown shoes.
Personality: Marimi is cunning, sly, but also a bit lazy. She sleeps all day long and enjoys doing that. She can't be considered a damsel in distress, although while she is a damsel, and often times in distress, she can take care of her own problems, rather than let them pile up on someone. She is laidback and sometimes makes jokes just for the sake of making them.

1 post


abbzy14 • 20 January 2017 at 8:01 PM

Name: Abbey
Age: 18
Backstory: Abbey was just a normal human girl, always picked on by other people. she had no friends. everyone treated her like she was a monster or something. she was unwanted by her parents ever since she was little. One day, a dark spirit came to her, turning her into a witch. for anyone who had ever said something bad to her had something coming.
Weapon/powers: if she takes her gloves of, she can burn whatever she touches
Role out of my list: witch
Appearence: long black hair, and her hight is short
What usually wears: black clothes, black gloves and a red necklace with a orange jewel in it
Personality: dark and mysterious

anyway, i am new to this game, tell me if i do anything wrong xD

1,589 posts


flowerlynx • 20 January 2017 at 8:13 PM

@emeraldstar May I?

Name : Tessa
Age : 20
Backstory: Her family would have become the royal family centuries ago, but the Queen's family got nominated. Tessa's family has a grudge against the royal family.
Wepons/Abilities: good at lying, knows a ton of poisons and things.
Role out of my List : Assassin
Usually Wears: lavender purple dress, hair put up in a high ponytail
Personality: stays out of the way most of the time, but can get involved in royal drama. Wants to be friends with the royal princess to gain her trust. Other than that, she is clever, but not good with hand-to-hand combat.

18 posts


chestnutt • 26 January 2017 at 10:18 PM

Name: Intuneric

Age: Unsure, He Forgot his Track.

Backstory: Intuneric Came originally from a land Named "Ark", and Has a home, With a Rather large Family. His Species on it's own has unhumanly powers, like Jumping And or Fading into Nothingness, Levitating items... Etc. None of the less are considered Only "half Alive." If you did not know, He is a Tamsi. One day, From Jumping from the After life back To Reality, he had wound up here... Completely Lost. ((Check the Archives for More Species Information))

Weapon/powers: He has no Weapon Except for his Mind and Odd Teleportation Ability, However a major Flaw in Teleportation is He Can only Use it During the day. One thing that He has that's more of a Tragedy, He can not stay in a Physical State, All Weapons, Walls, And Such Go right through him. He's Never Felt A Loving Embrace, Nor his own Paws. He can't even Touch the Ground, Hence why He Levitates. Only Magic Effects Him On the Level, Quite Critically.

Role out of my list: He is yet too Discover one... But If he had too Choose now, Something Closing in on a Wandering mage?


Pardon For link use, But it's far more easy Too Just Show you.

What usually wears: Nothing, For Clothing tends too go right through him.

Personality: He's Quite kind, and Chatty. He'll Always Try too break the Ice Cooley, Even though he Occasionally Looks like an Idiot Doing so. Despite this, He's Extremely Territorial... of Places and people. He's Quite the trickster as well, Even though sometimes His jokes are Somewhat... Cruel.

Deleted • 5 February 2017 at 5:20 PM

