Eggstuck: The Ultimate Homestuck/Eggcave Roleplay!

in Roleplaying

36 posts


aqua_sylph • 26 April 2017 at 9:48 AM

Hello! I am a fan of Homestuck, so I decided to create a Homestuck/Eggcave Roleplay!

1. No rude language WHATSOEVER.
2. Stick to the topic
3. You must choose one of your creatures on Eggcave as your Sprite. You may mention the others, but you cannot use them while strifing. You cannot choose an Immortal Creature as your Sprite. If your Sprite dies, then pick another one.
4. No strifing each other, unless it is a "Practice Strife", in which you need to mention that it is in the first turn. Also, Practice Strifes have to be gentle. Offer a challenge to the user you want and only start strifing if they accept.
A Practice Strife is as said below:
(insert creature name)sprite used (offensive move/defensive move) on (insert creature name)sprite!
Then the other Sprite attacks.
(insert creature name)sprite used (offensive move/defensive move) on (insert creature name)sprite!
You may only type for your own sprite, and not someone else's.
There is no clear winner, and Practice Strifes end after 3 turns from both sides. Each sprite gets 3+ stats for every Practice Strife. Maximum stats for each Sprite are 100, starting from 1.
5. You may not interrupt during a Practice Strife.
6. The Stats for a Sprite are as follows: Speed, Power, Reaction Time, Logic, and Stamina. (Yes, I know Logic and Stamina may be useless, but I couldn't think of anything else!)
7. You need a Pesterchum handle. It can be your username, but if it's already taken, then you can't use it, sorry!
8. Please choose a Weapon for strifing. Example: Knifekind
9. You need to pick a character. When you join, fill in this form:

Gender: (F/M)
Sprite: ( )sprite

Please help me with ideas for this roleplay. This is my first time writing one, so I'm not really that experienced. Thanks for your cooperation!

1,395 posts


iris1929578 • 29 April 2017 at 4:43 PM

Well, @aqua_sylph , I do not know what home stuck is, but I'll make a character anyways.
Name: Iris (haha my username)
Gender: F
Eye color: Black
Appearance: she always wears 4 bracelets on her right arm. She is smart and tall.
Sprite: Tamais (I think I spelled it right, it's a tasma, my profile creature)
Personality: as said above, very smart. She loves to draw and hang out with other people.
About Sprite:
Name: Tamais (I think)
Gender: I forgot

36 posts


aqua_sylph • 29 April 2017 at 10:28 PM

One, you got the spelling right, two, I want to just get on with the roleplay so I'll make my own character.

Name: Ruby
Gender: F
Eye Color: Brown
Appearance: is always wearing a ponytail. Likes Eggcave, drawing, and alchemizing radical items.
Pesterchum Handle: nS (nightshade_Stalker)
Strife Specibus: Bowkind
Sprite: Airshaft (Don't believe me? See Airshaft the Honk.)
About Sprite:
Gender: Female
Favorite food: Rice Crispies

Three, Tamais is a girl.

2,186 posts


hashtagnight • 29 April 2017 at 10:28 PM

@aqua_sylph , I'd love to join your roleplay if I knew the character form ever better. Are their God Tiers like a canon Homestuck thing? Are humans the only ones that can do this?

I got many questions, but those can wait.

36 posts


aqua_sylph • 29 April 2017 at 10:30 PM

@nightmaremoon12 Um, maybe I can add God Tiers later. But for now it's just the character making thing. And... what do you mean by "character form?"

2,186 posts


hashtagnight • 29 April 2017 at 10:53 PM

@aqua_sylph Like a form in which we fill out for our characters.

You can use this as a guide for the Eggstuck character form.

36 posts


aqua_sylph • 29 April 2017 at 10:55 PM

YOOHOO! That's a really good idea!

I should add that to the first message!
Oh, and I forgot about your strife specibus!
