Warriors Sign Ups: Lightclan & Moonclan

in Roleplaying

Deleted • 17 May 2017 at 11:00 PM

- Actual - Roleplay - Unavailable - Until - More - Cats

- No killing/war without permission.
- Max 8 cats.
- No cats with: Star*, Moon, Sun, Light, Thunder, Shadow, River, or Wind in name.
(*Acception for leaders, who have star at end of their names.)

*The Story*
The clans had been defeated by Moonclan, a clan of rouges and disloyal clan cats who want to rule. Starclan has sent some new cats as Lightclan, a clan made to stop Moonclan. They battle eternally, but now, the battle could be at an end...

*The Clans*
The clan of cats made to stop Moonclan. They stay loyal to Starclan. Their camp is in a dense forest. They're hunted by eagles, snakes, and Moonclan. They hunt mice voles, and rabbits.

A completely evil clan. They have never believed and wanna take over. They have no camp. They're hunted by Starclan and Lightclan. They hunt mice, fish, and anything else possible.

*Make A Cat*


*My Cats*

Name: Dawnstar
Age: 54
Personality: Serious
Sex: Female
Looks: Orange tabby
Rank: Leader
Clan: Lightclan
History: Never wanted to be leader, just chosen.
Kin: None
Mate: None
Other: 4th Life

Name: Dolphintail
Age: 32
Sex: Female
Looks: Blue-gray she-cat with split tail
Personality: Silly
Rank: Warrior
Clan: Lightclan
History: Revived cat. No new history.
Kin: None
Mate: None
Other: Likes water

Name: Woodbark
Age: 74
Sex: Male
Looks: Brown tabby with scar on eye
Personality: Mean
Rank: Warrior
Clan: Moonclan
History: Normal
Kin: None
Mate: None
Other: Oldest warrior in clan

Name: Toxicpool
Age: 43
Sex: Female
Looks: Black tabby with white paws
Personality: Nicer than most, but might snap
Rank: Medicine cat
Clan: Moonclan
History: Was Lightclan, but after a fight, decided to switch teams.
Kin: Pinepaw
Mate: None
Other: Doesn't believe in Starclan

Name: Pinepaw (Pinefruit)
Age: 11
Sex: Male
Looks: Orange tabby with black pineapple stripes and a short tail
Personality: Playful
Rank: Apprentice
Clan: Lightclan
History: Was Toxicpool's littermate. He died in a battle with Toxicpool, as he didn't know if he could fight his own littermate. He was revived.
Kin: Toxicpool
Mate: None
Other: Has a fondness for two-leg food (fruit)

Name: Beekit (Beewing)
Age: 4
Sex: Female
Looks: Orange short-furred cat with black stripes
Personality: Plaayful
Rank: Kit
Clan: Lightclan
History: Beekit was not clanborn. She was found on a Thunderpath, where she was rescued by Dolphintail. She was saved, and became a loyal member of the clan.
Kin: None known
Mate: None
Other: None

*Clans & Cats*

Leader: Dawnstar (togepi)
Deputy: Spiritdream (panda)
Medicine Cat:
Medicine Cat Apprentice:
- Dolphintail (togepi)
- Owleye (iris) (Pinepaw's mentor)
- Pinepaw (togepi)
- Beekit (togepi)

Leader: Duskstar (iris)
Deputy: Dreamspirit (panda)
Medicine Cat: Toxicpool (togepi)
Medicine Cat Apprentice:
- Woodbark (togepi)
- Nightspirit (panda)


Love Chart 😊
Duskstar -> Woodbark
Nightspirit <-> Dreamspirit

- Lightclan medicine cat available

1,924 posts


reality • 18 May 2017 at 1:05 AM


Name: Spiritdream
Age: 24
Sex: F
Looks: Silvery white pelt
Personality: A thinker and planner. She is calculating and loyal. She is clever and secretive. Other than that, she is pretty kind, warm, and friendly, knowing how to be stern when needed. She is great at leading, and confident too.
Rank: Deputy
Clan: Lightclan
History: Born into the clan, she was a great leader amongst the warriors of her time. She was chosen for deputy because of that.
Kin: None
Mate: Ask
Other: None

Deleted • 19 May 2017 at 9:56 PM

(you could make more if u want)

1,395 posts


iris1929578 • 28 May 2017 at 11:26 PM


Name: Duskstar
Age: 31 moons (leader died early from battle)
Gender: F
Looks: Black and has an ear torn off from battle
Personality: stern and mean except to Woodbark
Rank: Leader
Clan: MoonClan
History: all her kin died when she was 10 moons old. She lost all her trust in StarClan, and was chosen for deputy when the deputy died. She declared war on both LightClan and StarClan, vowing to never look at the stars again, and she hates light, so she hunts at night in forests. She now lives in a crack in a boulder.
Kin: Dawnstar? They have similar names. Hello, look here!
Crush: Woodbark
Other: hates wind and water and rain and light and all that you could expect.

1,924 posts


reality • 29 May 2017 at 3:17 AM

@togepi360 Making the rest later.

Name: Dreamspirit
Age: 24 moons
Sex: F
Looks: Silver white cat with blue eyes.
Personality: Same as Spiritdream
Rank: Deputy
Clan: Moonclan
History: Born in Dreamclan, left it to go to Moonclan for a reason. Chosen as deputy soon after.
Kin: Spiritdream
Mate: Nightspirit
Other: None

Name: Nightspirit
Age: 28 moons
Sex: M
Looks: Pure black tome
Personality: Cold and aloof to everyone except Dream spirit.
Rank: Warrior
Clan: Moonclan
History: Born into the clan of Moonclan.
Kin: Shadowspirit(bro); Bravespirit(son); Shiningspirit(daughter)
Mate: Dreamspirit
Other: None

Deleted • 30 May 2017 at 4:43 PM


(oh, and yes, @iris1929578 I'm okay w/ that.)

1,395 posts


iris1929578 • 30 May 2017 at 7:05 PM


I'll mentor him!

Name: Owleye
Age: 41
Gender: M
Looks: ginger with green eyes
Personality: has very sharp eyes and looks strict but is actually very nice
Rank: warrior
Clan: LightClan
History: normal
Kin: Crystalshine (dead mother), Owltail (dead father that he was named after), no littermates
Mate: ask!
Other: likes random stuff (hi!)
Apprentice: Pinepaw can I?

Deleted • 30 May 2017 at 9:35 PM

Accepted! Sure! 😸
(Owleye better be careful)

Deleted • 28 October 2017 at 2:57 PM


Name: Nightpaw
Age: 29
Sex: Female
Looks: Pure brown with hazel eyes
Personality: Smart, brave, swift, and serious. She rarely jokes around. She hates her sister, Daypaw. She looks nice but she is incredibly strict, serious, and mean.
Rank: Warrior
Clan: Moonclan
History: Nightpaw was in light clan but, her mother and father hated her. So she decided to switch teams. A few moons later, she killed her mom and dad.
Kin: Daypaw (sister, lightclan, alive) Cinderpelt (mom, lightclan, dead) Flamepaw (dad, dead, lightclan)
Mate: Ask.

Name: Daypaw
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Looks: Pure white with blue eyes
Personality: Fun, playful, swift, clever. She hates her sister, Nightpaw.
Rank: Medicine cat
Clan: Lightclan
History: Daypaw saw her sister kill her parents. She tried to kill her sister, but Nightpaw was too strong for Daypaw.
Kin: Nightpaw (sister, Moonclan,alive) Cinderpelt (mom,dead,lightclan) Flamepaw (Dad, dead, lightclan)
Mate: Blacksilver

Name: Blacksilver
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Looks: Pure white with brown eyes
Personality: Nice, Cool, Flirty
Rank: Medicine cat apprentice
Clan: Lightclan
History: Normal
Kin: Indigopelt (mom, dead) Blazesheer (dad, dead)
Mate: Daypaw
