Animal Heroes (Sign Ups) (Still Open!)

in Roleplaying

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Deleted • 28 July 2017 at 10:13 PM

Great job Nightmaremoon12 for knowing what this is!
You so get this. Yay!

So there are these creatures who have been possessing people so the "good" creatures came to Earth and gave some people superpowers. Nobody knows who these heroes are, not even each other. They are still kids and go to school though.

No swearing
No violence
No drama
No violence*
No more than 6 characters**
Character ages 13-18
Magic creatures (nice) are in their like, hundreds as they live forever.
Not too OP. A little okay.
If you read all put your character's favorite class in code.
Noticeable feature is a feature about them in both versions
(*Not much detail in the fights)
(**2 hero, 3 regulars)***
((***Regulars can be possessed to villains in-story))


Anyperson (Everyone has too do this)
Role: (Possessed, hero, or normal)

Hero (Add this form for a hero)
Superhero Name:
Fake age:
Noticeable Feature:
Bonded Spirit Pixie:
How They Give You Power:

Villain Name:

Spirit Pixie (Nice creature)

Name: Kuro
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Role: Hero
Looks: A tallish teenage boy with blonde hair. He wears a green jacket and jeans along with green sneakers, which match his green eyes. He also always wears a cat sweatband.
Personality: A bit stubborn, is kind of that "popular" boy around school.
Kin: None
Code: Science, with Physical Education in 2nd
Other: He sneezes around birds

Superhero Name: Cat Niro
WhoIsThis: Kuro
Fake age: ???
Looks: He is the same but covered with a cat suit and a mask and gets cat ears and a tail.
Power: He has 9 lives (not really) and he has claws that can smash anything. He also can hook things with his tail.
Flaw: He lands on his head, not his feet. Ouch. Every time.
Noticeable Feature: He sneezes around birds
Bonded Spirit Pixie: Kafry
How They Give You Power: Kafry is absorbed into Kuro through his sweatband.
Other: Meow.

Name: Kafry
Age: 136?
Base: A cat
Looks: A sleek black cat with green eyes and stripes on his eyes.
Personality: Stubborn and lazy. He gives really good advice to Kuro.
Other: He'd do anything for food.

Name: Dusk
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Role: normal
Looks: A purple haired, small boy wearing a white hoodie, white jeans, and white sneakers. They are stained orange and black.
Personality: Really stubborn, like a bully. He has a small group of friends.
Kin: None
Code: Dislikes it all
Other: None

Name: Riko
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Role: Possessed
Looks: A short teenage boy with brown smooth hair. He wears assorted clothes, normally what Kuro wears
Personality: Mean and stubborn, but only because of jealousy for Kuro
Kin: None
Code: Lunch
Other: Their names are almost the same. See it?

Villain Name: Anti-Kitty
Looks: Exactly like Cat Niro. Uh Oh.
Power: Copied from Cat Niro, but doesn't land on his head.
Flaw: He has very limited time before he changes back. Battling him, it's best to just stall until he changes back
Other: He wants to steal Kafry.

Name: Mimi
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Role: normal
Looks: A cute small girl with curly brown hair and a camera. She wears a tie dye shirt with black shorts and pink shoes.
Personality: Cute and cheerful. Her recklessness causes her to need to be rescued by the Heros, again and again.
Kin: None
Code: Field Trips
Other: A fan of the Animal Heroes, hosts a fan club and everything.

Togepi: Kuro (hero) aka Cat Niro. Partner: Kafry (cat spirit pixie)
Nightmaremoon: Umber Rose (hero) aka Vulpirix. Partner: Yakuri (fox spirit pixie)
Iris: Twilight (possessed) aka Fog. (horse)
Togepi: Dusk (normal)
Togepi: Riko (possessed) aka Anti-Kitty. (cat)
Mika (hero) aka Lone Wolf. Partner: Wolfie (wolf spirit pixie)
Starlight: Adelaine (hero) aka Night Flash. Partner: Starstruck (alcelon spirit pixie)
Togepi: Mimi (normal)

Update: We are starting now. Setting up RP...

266 posts


starlight123 • 28 July 2017 at 11:05 PM

I'm filling out a form a bit later. 😊

Deleted • 28 July 2017 at 11:07 PM

I am so happy someone's joining already! Thanks!
(PS, you'll never guess how long I was working on this RP 😈)

1,395 posts


iris1929578 • 29 July 2017 at 12:25 AM


Uhhh... this is confusing. Any mistakes, I'll fix.

Horse??? If not I'll change.

Name: Twilight
Age: 13
Gender: F
Role: Possesed
Looks: wears T-Shirts that are always short sleeved and short jeans that go down to her knees. Brown eyes.
Personality: kindhearted in general, when a villain likes to "make friends" and betray them
Kin: err...
Code: does recess count??? If not lunch, if still not computer science???
Other: liked to game all day 😃 😈

Villain Name: Fog
Looks: skin turns grayish black O.o gets horse ears and tail, a jacket, pants, and shoes that are all jet black. Blue eyes.
Power: can make fog out of thin air, and turn into fog
Flaw: Powerless without her necklace
Other: neigh.

2,186 posts


hashtagnight • 29 July 2017 at 9:19 AM

@togepi360 Oh, so basically Miraculous Ladybug's plotline? Count me in.

Name: Umber Rose
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Role: Hero
Looks: Umber is around 5"07 in height. She has short messy dark brown hair and chocolate eyes. Usually wears a black shirt with a rose on it and a brown long sleeved shirt underneath. Dark blue jeans and black shoes. She also wears glasses.
Personality: Umber is very awkward, and is more focused on her studies, reading rather than talking outloud. She stutters a lot, and she despises it when people invade her personal space.
Kin: None.
Code: Anything involving reading.
Other: Umber has arachnophobia.

Superhero Name: Vulpirix
WIT: Umber Rose
Fake age: 18
Looks: The same but gains two short pigtails, and a dark brown bodysuit, and a mask that covers her eyes. Has a skirt with an opening in the front. The skirt goes up to her thighs, Vulpirix has a tail that can move on its own. Has a belt with a gold fox head as a buckle.
Power: She is able to create illusions.
Flaw: Vulpirix's emotions can affect her illusions, and she is not that athletic nor quick.
Noitcable Feature: Arachnophobic.
Binded Spirit Pixie: Yakuri
How They Give You Power: Through the belt buckle that Vulpirix has.
Other: What does a fox say...?

Name: Yakuri
Age: 152
Base: Fox
Looks: A red-brown-ish fox with dark brown limbs.
Personality: Yakuri is very hard to impress. They are always tricking people, including Umber, and doesn't apologize.
Other: *insert fox noise*

Deleted • 29 July 2017 at 1:34 PM

Yes. Are you psychic? Accepted.
No really, are you psychic?

Accepted. Recess is not a subject, but okay!

You want to start soon?
I am so good at making RP

467 posts


wolfkit • 29 July 2017 at 2:29 PM

Any person
Name: Mika
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Role: Hero
Looks: Has black hair, and brown eyes, usually she wears a sweatshirt and boots.
Personality: She was always meant to be alone, she is stubborn, and she hates working together.
Kin: None
Code: Reading
Other: None

Spirit Pixie
Name: Wolfle
Age: 300
Base: Wolf
Looks: Is grey with a white underbelly.
Personality: Is stubborn and often wants to protect her, and do the fighting.
Other: Has a rough voice.

Superhero Name: Lone Wolf
Who Is This: Mika
Fake age: None
Looks: Has black boots, jeans, and a white shirt with a black leather jacket with crescent moons on the bottom of her boots and pockets. She also has a wolf-like mask that covers up most of her face, and it has ears with a muzzle, and attached to her jacket is a bushy tail.
Power: To track down anything and get a mental picture of it.
Flaw: She doesn't have good sense of direction, and is often lost
Noticeable Feature: She is deaf in one ear.
Bonded Spirit Pixie: Wolfle
How They Give You Power: Through her necklace that has a crescent on it.

1,395 posts


iris1929578 • 29 July 2017 at 3:03 PM


LOL XD just anything not super boring.

266 posts


starlight123 • 29 July 2017 at 7:08 PM

Anyperson (Everyone has too do this)
Name: Adelaine
Age: 14
Gender: F
Role: Hero
Looks: Long black hair, blue eyes. She usually wears a white T-shirt with a hood attached to it with black leggings. She wears black combat boots. About 5’3.
Personality: She’s kinda has an alter-ego. One minute she’s happy and energetic and nice, the next she’s sad, or angry, mean, and moody. She crushes on people really easily.
Kin: n/a
Code: Music (1st), PE and English tied for 2nd
Other: She usually wears anything with a hoodie to hide the Alcelon tattoo. (“Power Connector”)

Hero (Add this form for a hero)
Superhero Name: Night Flash (tell me if this name is already taken XD)
WhoIsThis: Adelaine
Fake age: ??? (She won’t reveal any age, real or fake)
Looks: Black zip-up hoodie, black leggings, her eyes turn green, and this green flame-like thing appears around her eyes. (Like some sort of green fire-like eyeliner+eyelashes ) Her boots turn into some type of armor, but they look like polished leather. Her hands also have the green flame-like glow thing. If she wants to, Alcelon wings will sprout out of her back. She only uses that power when she really needs to, or else she sticks to her normal transformation outfit. About 5’3
Power: Teleportation.
Flaw: She afraid of being alone anywhere. Even if she’s alone in her house. She’s also scared of failing. Sometimes, she doesn’t think things through and ends out getting hurt.
Noticeable Feature: When she turns into her superhero form, the pupils of her eyes turn into dark green stars.
Bonded Spirit Pixie: Starstruck
How They Give You Power: On the back of her neck, you can see a mini tattoo of an Alcelon. There are word in some sort of fancy script that says “Starstruck.”
Other: During PE when she’s forced to change, she has to keep her hair down. If she has to tie up her hair, she stuffs her long hair down the back of her shirt. It hides the tattoo just enough. She’s also pretty fast, her best mile time is 7:15 minutes. But people can still beat her in a running competition.

Spirit Pixie (Nice creature)
Name: Starstruck
Age: 2
Base: Alcelon ( Magistream Creature: )
Looks: <<< Just literally how the creature looks on Magistream.
Personality: Starstruck doesn’t really communicate. She tends to ignore the other spirits and superheros. If anyone but Adelaine gets close to her, she’ll squawk in their face. Usually, when Adelaine is fighting, Starstruck will fly above, to get a bird's eye view. When she's done, Starstruck will land on her shoulder.
Other: For those who don’t have Magistream, and Alcelon is basically a bird that has a crown floating above it’s head and it’s holding a triton in it’s claws(with a dead fish on one of the triton’s spikes). 😊

467 posts


wolfkit • 29 July 2017 at 7:18 PM


I don't know if you know this but my character is almost exactly like yours, I can change it if you want me too.

266 posts


starlight123 • 29 July 2017 at 7:34 PM

Oh I didn’t notice! Sorry! I’ll change mine. Is it ok if I leave her looks the same?

2,186 posts


hashtagnight • 29 July 2017 at 7:48 PM


Kuro's appearances, his spirit pixie, and the plotline was how I got the conclusion it was a Ladybug reference. I'm still waiting for season two though.

467 posts


wolfkit • 29 July 2017 at 7:54 PM


of coarse! I have no problem against it, it's just that I thought that having 2 wolf characters running around would maybe cause some confusion.

266 posts


starlight123 • 29 July 2017 at 7:56 PM

Oh alright. 😊 Thank you!

Deleted • 29 July 2017 at 9:07 PM

Both accepted!

Wow. I'm reaching the end of season 1 now. I'll just rewatch everything after. I missed a few episodes. And the parts where I was like "Omg, this is too much!" and stuffs my head under a pillow. 😈

I normally make RPs off things I like.

1,395 posts


iris1929578 • 30 July 2017 at 10:13 PM


You're the only one because no one likes normal people.

Edit: no offense no offense no offense no offense no offense

Deleted • 30 July 2017 at 10:16 PM

I don't want normal people either. I just wanted to start 😈

1,395 posts


iris1929578 • 30 July 2017 at 10:24 PM


Eh, it's like they don't have that advantage in battle and all that.

Deleted • 30 July 2017 at 10:27 PM


1,395 posts


iris1929578 • 30 July 2017 at 10:28 PM


The only thing they can basically do is weakly fight, or get possessed. We need more villains, I think....

Deleted • 30 July 2017 at 10:36 PM


Yea. Want to volunteer for another? Teehee.
I'll possess Dusk. Wahahahaha. 😈

Villain Name: Midnight
Looks: The same yet shrouded in black and unseeable
Power: To make himself, and others invisible
Flaw: The simplest glitter or powder will reveal them.
Other: This is Dusk, just possessed.

157 posts


avsilly • 30 July 2017 at 10:37 PM

Name: Raven Hathena

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Role: Possessed

Looks: Tall, thin, pale, long straight black hair

Personality: Scared, paranoid, technically insane.... Forced to view the world as nothing but full of nightmare monsters. She simply wants to find someone that is "the same species" as her.... A human.

Kin: A father, also possessed.... Currently missing in action

Code: Chemistry

Other: She is constantly scared, seeing everything differently from you or I.... People are all different monsters to her.

Villain Name: Living Nightmare

Looks: Tall, black, inhuman. Similar to an enderman in minecraft, but smooth and cylindrical. Fingers are long sharp black claws.... Left eye is a glowing blue and the right is a glowing orange. Never open at the same time. When closed, it seems to dissapear. A mouth made of nothing but teeth, a permanent sharp smile.

Power: Everything around then becomes a horrible nightmare world when the Orange eye is open. Their power is forced upon a maximum of three people at once.... They are forced into a hallucination, not knowing where the real being is. Often they hear a young girl screaming. Though, this is all a hallucination and does no physical harm.... Though people have killed themselves or others in fear or thinking they were a monster.

Flaw: Can be ignored, and you can find the real girl and kill her easily. She sees no one as a human, not even herself.... She assumes every single "Monster" is out to get her....

Other: When the blue eye is open she can see people for who they are as a person and there is no nightmare effect to her or the one she's looking at. Eye has never been opened, cause is unknown.

1,395 posts


iris1929578 • 30 July 2017 at 10:39 PM

@togepi360 @avsilly

Now I think we have too many.

157 posts


avsilly • 30 July 2017 at 10:41 PM

@iris1929578 @togepi360

Perhaps I shouldn't RP then....?

1,395 posts


iris1929578 • 30 July 2017 at 10:41 PM


No, I bet it's fine. Maybe evil can win at last...



Deleted • 30 July 2017 at 10:46 PM

Accepted! Go join in!

Deleted • 30 July 2017 at 11:18 PM

Role: Normal
Looks: Short dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, wears cut off shoulder shirts, wears converse or brown boots.
Personality: Sweet, loves attention but doesn't like to take it from people, is very energetic and happy, doesn't like it when people are mad at her.
Kin: none
Code: writing 1st, reading 2nd and P.E. 3rd
Other: Loves animals, especially horses

Superhero Name: Lightning spirit
WhoIsThis: Kaylee
Fake age:17
Looks: Blonde hair, red lips, long black eyelashes, wears plaid shirts and blue jeans with a belt and brown boots.
Power: Turn into any animal
Flaw: Turn into the wrong animal sometimes
Noticeable Feature: Eyes
Bonded Spirit Pixie: Lightning struck
How They Give You Power: When it is raining i go out and gain strength
Other: I do not like the dark

Villain Name: Scar
Looks: Dark green eyes, scar above left eye, wears long black tight dresses, wears black tall heels.
Power: invisibility
Flaw: Can't turn invisible without her ring
Other: Mom is dead

Spirit Pixie (Nice creature)
Name: Luna
Base: horse
Looks: black hair, black eyelashes, wears black crop tops, wears black short shorts, wears a black chocker.
Personality: kind, loves all creatures, helps all that need it
Other: loves black yet is very kind

Deleted • 30 July 2017 at 11:39 PM


If Kaylee is a hero, why did you put normal in the Role?
Who's Lightning Struck?
A hero's bonded spirit pixie plays a huge role in their power.
Uh... In all cases your Spirit Pixie is absorbed through ___
Who is Scar when he's not being possessed?
There is already someone with invisibility
Spirit pixies live forever and are in hundreds.
Who is your spirit pixie bonded too?

This is a lot. You can just make a new one. Use other player's characters as a guide. Don't copy though, or it won't be accepted. You can just share a spirit pixie with someone else for the same animal if you want too. They won't be able to be as strong though if they share.

266 posts


starlight123 • 1 August 2017 at 8:19 PM

Anyperson (Everyone has too do this)
Name: Leia
Gender: F
Role: (Possessed, hero, or normal) Normal soon to be possessed.
Looks: Long dirty blonde hair, cheerleader's outfit.
Personality: Gets easily jealous, kinda bossy and mean, can be nice sometimes.
Kin: N/A
Code: She doesn't have one
Other: She's kinda the "popular mean girl" type.

Villain Name: Snow-Blast Queen
Looks: She looks the same, only different is this whole Snow Queen outfit is put on her and her hair turns white.
Power: Basically Elsa's power (from Frozen, not some real life person named Elsa XD)
Flaw: Can't stand being around heat. She also can't stand being around animals. She hates them.
Other: She kinda hard to defeat until everyone realizes her weaknesses (which shouldn't take long XD)

Deleted • 2 August 2017 at 11:12 AM

Most of the heroes are animal based!
