Auction bidding 'not high enough?'

in Problems & Bugs

1,135 posts


lazyanon • 16 January 2018 at 10:58 PM

I've got the bid not high enough errors a lot when it is high enough like it will be 100 more than it needs to be. I've lost a lot of auctions to it. like there is ten seconds left and i'll bid the right amount sometimes more. And it'll tell me i didn't bid high enough when i did. i reload it before i bid just in case. It happened many times now. and its not having enough EC. cause i have the EC to make the bid. I don't know how it's happening. Anyone else having this problem or just me?

2,344 posts


nkiay • 16 January 2018 at 11:14 PM

It's probably because someone else just bid a split second before you did.

1,135 posts


lazyanon • 16 January 2018 at 11:26 PM

no i look back no one did a reloaded it. it just doesn't process it's been happening for a while now.

268 posts


isathebelle • 15 February 2018 at 11:47 AM

@lazyanon I'm having the same problem also ☚ī¸ What we can do ??

278 posts


birdboysplace • 20 February 2018 at 6:26 AM


I have been around since 2013, It happens to me all the time. 😊

EX: highest bid is lets say 50,000 ec & I really want this critter, so I bid 75,000 ec - someone else drops in a bid at the last second or it could have been at almost the same time.. on the auction for 75,001.

I don't think anything is going on, nothing weird, its just that someone else was a bit faster.

Contact one of the mods and have them explain it to you and tell them of your problem.

