
in Help & Questions

7 posts


slm2016 • 11 June 2018 at 10:50 PM

How do you all manage getting the amount of clicks/feeds to grow your eggs??

1,935 posts


mechanicalheart • 11 June 2018 at 11:11 PM


I'd say the easiest ways are getting known a little by posting around forums or other places, whether it be about a trade, a forum game, anything. If people can't find you anywhere they most likely won't be able to feed/click/view your creatures.

Or there's always the pricey ways such as buying books, food, etc. and hoping they work or getting cc to buy clicks, views and feeds (Which is what I tend to do when I have a lot of creatures I want evolved.)

EDIT: Forgot to mention the click exchange, you could always use that though I've realized that currently it's been pretty slow.

535 posts


katrinwolf • 12 June 2018 at 3:12 AM

@slm2016 My answer is slooowlyyyyyy 😃 My first hatchling took four months to happen. That was long ago, though - now we have click exchange, forums, whatnot. Have the creature you want hatched the most as your profile creature, use Click Exchange (it does still help if you're active), hang around in the Forums. Items, in my opinion, aren't really worth it, but that's just an opinion. Feed someone else's coves and leave a "fed all" message - many people would do feed backs (just make sure it's not a no-feeding cove!). Have some patience and a good deal of fun, and they'll start hatching. 😊

3,806 posts


sparklefox • 12 June 2018 at 5:34 AM

@slm2016 - There are a few ways, and some have been mentioned already. I'll still mention them in this, though.

You can feed the coves of other users (just be sure to read their profile and / or check their cove lists before feeding their entire cove. Some people may mention that they only want specific lists fed, or will have creatures that they want to keep in certain stages, but don't have enough money / CC for freezes, and so don't want them to gain clicks or feeds. These users will usually feed you back or they can be like me and forget to.

There's an on-site Click Exchange you can use to gain stats for any creature(s) you put in. Just click the "[amount] XC" box in the green sidebar and add anything you want to it. I personally think it's best to start with as little creatures as possible in it (only about one or two), and add more as you gain more XC. You can gain XC by clicking other users' creatures in the Click Exchange and you will lose XC when others click your creatures. This is why it's best to start with small amounts of creatures. However, like Mechanicalheart mentioned, it's been pretty slow recently. You won't really gain huge amounts of stats from this (unless it does start speeding up), but it's better than nothing.

You can also use off-site click exchanges. The most popular one is Yarolds. I think it's best to use both Yarolds and EC's Click Exchange at the same time - put whatever creatures you want to hatch / evolve the most into both at once. They will gain stats far faster, however it'll still be less than usual due to the recent slowness of our own CE. Usually, I can get up to (or more than) 2,000 clicks in a month from this, but it's recently dropped to about 900 in a month. Just to give you an idea.

I'll admit that it's harder to gain feeds than views and clicks from the CE methods, since some people will just click and won't even bother feeding, but you'll still slowly gain feeds from them. It's not always easy to hatch things quickly, I'll also admit.

7 posts


slm2016 • 12 June 2018 at 5:30 PM

Thank you for all the info. ^^
