Do Eggs Die?

in Help & Questions

4 posts


adrianh • 6 October 2018 at 8:46 PM

Hi everyone, I am a new player so obviously I don't know how a lot of things work. I want to be able to keep some of my eggs as eggs. The only problem is, I don't know if I can keep them as eggs without them dying. Can someone please tell me if there a solution or not?

5,409 posts


Orderedchaos • 6 October 2018 at 11:13 PM

Any creature that is under level 2000 can die if its happiness gets too low, egg stage or otherwise. Any creature above level 2000 is immortal and won't die even if its happiness is at zero. You can keep a creature's happiness up by feeding it, having others feed it, booking them at Tim's Food Shop, using items on it, or buying a Leaf of Vaka from the Cash Shop Park.

If you want to keep a creature from evolving you can freeze it in its current stage by buying a Essence of Litsdnats at the Cash Shop Park. Once used this item will keep a creature from evolving no matter how high its stats get.
