574 posts


iia • 26 April 2019 at 8:35 PM

Name: Doppice

Picture: (sorry if it is quite undetailed. I am in the process if moving and just had dinky little markers)


Egg description:
The Doppice eggs are quite inactive and independent. They stay eggs for an unusually long time and are often used as game pieces.

Creature description:
Doppices are very interactive creatures but require a lot of fun and games. They LOVE to find your lost game pieces. They often keep the red pieces that they find and an occasional black piece is healthy, but if your Doppice begins to hoard black pieces rather than red it is a sign that it is feeling neglected or lonely.

Other info:

Weight - 700 g
Height - 0.27 m
Habitat - Ark city

43 posts


xxspiriteaglexx • 30 July 2019 at 1:42 PM


I love it!! Especially the egg 😱
