Creature suggestion- Asue

in Fan Art & Creature Suggestions

888 posts


meisawesome • 22 September 2019 at 2:05 PM


About Asue eggs:
These eggs appear only when the temperature in that area is exactly 1 degree below 50, which is why these eggs are extreamly difficult to find.

About Asure creature:
These creatures hold a body temperature that was equal to what the temperature was just before they hatched, because of this, these creatures can have a body temperature ranging from -120 to 130 degrees. These creatures mainly live alone and will attack other Asues if they get to close.

4 posts


bulbasaurowo • 8 October 2019 at 12:27 PM

I love this creature idea. I'm TOTALLY going to get one of these if they're added! The last stage is my favorite c:
