Before Posting Your Creature Suggestion (URGENT)

in Fan Art & Creature Suggestions

Is it right for people to take the names of other peoples creature suggestions

2,235 posts


beta • 4 January 2020 at 8:52 AM

If you want to have the name in case eggcave takes your creature and the ame you picked, put the name on an egg BEFORE you post it, otherwise some users will steal it, and you'll never even have a chance. Sadly, if you've already lost a name, there is no possible way to get it back, other than changing the name you gave your suggestion ☹️.

Deleted • 5 January 2020 at 1:37 AM

@stevepat2002 huh? what happen?

682 posts


decay • 5 January 2020 at 2:36 AM


I think if the person is interested in names it would be great if we gave it to them as a community (:
However, I also feel like it would be unfair for a user to have to give up the name they fought for because the creature creator wants it

Idk there’s two sides but personally I would want the name if I made a creature so this is good advice (:
