Wanted: Creatures by Date

in Trading & Auctions

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 6 July 2021 at 4:22 AM

Formerly know as: Wanted: Cave Commons by Date

So, I finally got organized and compiled a list of all the cave commons I was looking for by date.
(May edit this to 'Creatures by Date' if I ever wrangle the others.)

I'll keep this post updated, but in case it ever gets locked(inactivity?) I made a backup. Time_Keeper_

Looking for Cave Commons of these specific dates (fresh preferred, but previous years accepted.)

Looking to pay 3000 - 4000 EC each, (gifts appreciated,) but if you want a bit more let me know and maybe we can work something out : ) (Immortals have no extra value to me, fully evolved actually less, but I understand they are worth more to some people.)

Day Month (Year) - Gender Species

9 Jan - M Alkub
21 Feb - M Alkub
30 Apr - F Luminette **(1)
21 Jun - M Tasma
6 Aug 2021 - F/U Luminette, M/U Mackitron, U Cosmomon, and M Tasma
7 Oct 2021 - M Listrick
29 Oct - M Rosse
25 Nov - M Tasma
17 Dec - M Ringtail
Any Dec - M/U* Tasma - (I'll probably be able to get one myself, but I'd take one from 2019 or 2020 if someone wants to give one up. Leaning towards a *preference of the 1st or 21st. Might wait to see if I get a few offers instead of accepting the first one that comes along.)

Cave Monthlies/LEs/CS, etc. (will pay aprox. Budgie's)
9 Oct - Garast F/U, (possibly other Oct monthlies, but i'm making my way back through archive to see what matches best. For now Garast is the best fit.) Possibly Mefisto or Gantula (backup, Snop)
25 Nov - U Ookull

M = Male, F = Female, U = no preference

Offers here or in PM, please no Wall posts.

Please don't lock this Mods, I have it linked in my Profile. I'll try to edit a date at least monthly to show my interest in these is still active.

Activity counter/last active: 16 Sep 22


Edit 7 Jul 21: If anyone else is looking for any cave commons (or other creatures) of a specific date, let me know and I'll add it to Time Keeper's profile. : ) (All I ask is that you let me know when you get one so I can edit the list.)

**(1) Edit 24 Jul 21: I found an old post seeking 30 Apr (2021?) F Luminette that sounded urgent, but for the life of me can't remember why. It was before I started keeping good notes. I figure I'd add it just in case.

422 posts


suzanab • 24 July 2021 at 12:53 PM


Whew...that's some project...I'll be on the lookout for any, as well as I can 😊 Thanks again for helping ❤️

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 24 July 2021 at 1:04 PM

@suzanab You're welcome 😊 I'm glad you got it 😊
