Eggcave Wordsearch puzzle

in Forum Games

What's this? (Multiple answers allowed.)

2,798 posts


snowywinter • 10 March 2023 at 1:02 AM

A lot of people have been obsessed with a certain style of word puzzles lately, and I'm like "what ever happened to a good old-fashioned cross-word?!" Then it got me to thinking how we used to also make our our word searches in computer lab back in school, and i missed that. I've looked these up online before, but until now it was overly complicated or pricey, I was happy to find these free tools ^^

Forgive the words being all mashed together. This site allows for clued version by spaces. I didn't want to make it that difficult though. (as it was I chose the hardest level, the words can be in any direction. Up, down, diagonal, forwards, and backwards.)
I tried to chose a wide variety of EC terms (I even used a RNG for the species names.)

Hope you have fun! ^^
(be careful, I did throw one tricky one in there. I have two terms with 'travel' lol.)

(Feel free to make and share your own too if you so wish.
And there's also - for those of us who like clues to go with letters we're randomly spouting.)
